
The filesysteminfo object provides information about the file system of a storage device connected to the player. To retrieve information about the storage device itself, use the storageinfo object.

filesysteminfo IDL

[ constructor(String path, String type); ] interface FilesystemInfo { Promise<bool> isReadOnly(); Promise<String> getFilesystemType(); Promise<FilesystemStats> getStatistics(); }; interface FilesystemStats { attribute Number blockSize; attribute Number sizeBytes; attribute Number bytesFree; attribute Number filesUsed; attribute Number filesFree; attribute bool isReadOnly; };


Object Creation

To create a filesysteminfo object, first load the brightsign/filesysteminfo module using the require() method. Then create an instance of the filesysteminfo class with a string value specifying the storage path.

var FileSystemInfoClass = require("@brightsign/filesysteminfo"); var fileSystemInfo = new FileSystemInfoClass("/storage/sd");

Use the following string values to specify different storage drives:

  • "/storage/usb1" – The drive for USB storage devices connected to the player

  • "/storage/sd" – The primary SD or microSD drive on the player.

  • "/storage/sd2" – The internal microSD drive on the player (4Kx42, XDx32 models only)

  • "/storage/ssd" – The internal SSD on the player (XTx44, XTx43, XDx34, and XDx33 models only)


Use this interface to retrieve information about the file system.

Promise<bool> isReadOnly()

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the filesystem is read-only. 


Returns the filesystem type. The following are potential values:

  • "exfat"

  • "ext3"

  • "ext4"

  • "fat12"

  • "fat16"

  • "fat32"

  • "hfs"

  • "hfsplus"

  • "ntfs"


Returns a FilesystemStats interface containing information about the filesystem. This method can take a significant amount of time to return its promise.


This interface contains information about the filesystem:

  • blockSize Number: The size of a native block

  • sizeBytes Number: The amount of total space

  • bytesFree Number: The amount of free space

  • filesUsed Number: The number of used inodes

  • filesFree Number: The number of free inodes

  • isReadOnly bool: A flag indicating whether the filesystem is read-only.
