

The videomodeconfiguration object allows you to configure the video resolution and retrieve video output settings. 

videomodeconfiguration IDL

interface VideoModeConfiguration { Promise<ModeList> getAvailableModes(); Promise<Mode> getBestMode(String connector); Promise<Mode> getActiveMode(); Promise<Mode> getConfiguredMode(); Promise<SetModeResult> setMode(Mode mode); Promise<SetModeResult> setCustomModeline(String modeline) Promise<ScreenConfigList> getScreenModes(); Promise<SetModeResult> setScreenModes(ScreenConfigList configs); }; interface Mode { attribute String modeName; attribute String colorSpace; attribute String colorDepth; attribute int frequency; attribute bool dropFrame; attribute int width; attribute int height; attribute int graphicsPlaneHeight; attribute int graphicsPlaneWidth; attribute bool preferred; attribute bool interlaced; attribute int overscan; }; interface SetModeResult { attribute bool restartRequired; }; interface ScreenConfig { attribute String outputName; attribute String videoMode; attribute int screenX; attribute int screenY; attribute String transform; attribute bool enabled; };


Object Creation

To create vidoemodeconfiguration object, first load the brightsign/videomodeconfiguration module using the require() method. Then create an instance of the videomodeconfiguration class.

var VideoModeConfigurationClass = require("@brightsign/videomodeconfiguration"); var videoConfig = new VideoModeConfigurationClass();


Use this interface to retrieve and modify the video-mode settings.

Promise<ModeList> getAvailableModes() 

Returns a list containing all video modes supported by the player. Each supported video mode is listed as a Mode instance.


Returns the largest supported video mode, as reported by the display via EDID. The video connector can be specified as "hdmi" or "vga" (these values are case sensitive). If the display does not return a resolution value over EDID, this method returns a blank string. If no display is connected, this method returns "Cannot read edid information".


Returns a Mode interface containing information about the current active video mode.


Returns a Mode interface containing information about the video mode that has been configured with the setMode() method. If the video mode has not been configured with setMode() (or if it has been set to "auto"), this method will return null.


Sets the video output mode using a passed Mode interface. This method returns a promise containing a SetModeResult interface that indicates whether a reboot is required for the specified video settings to take effect. 


Sets the custom videomode with the supplied modeline (see Applying a Custom Resolution). The custom videomode can then be selected using setMode.


Returns an array which describes each available output on your player hardware and how those outputs are configured. This method has been implemented as of BOS 9.0.15.

The ScreenConfig interface contains the returned settings from getScreenModes():

  • outputName string: HDMI-1, 2, 3, or 4 

  • videoMode string: The videomode can be either:

    • A known BrightSign format videomode (for example, 1920x1080x60p)

    • A full modeline as described on this page

  • auto which differs slightly from previous platforms. auto isn’t recommended when using multiple outputs because the canvas positions are fixed and so if a screen uses an unexpected resolution, it won’t be positioned correctly in the canvas.

  • screenX int: The position of the screen on the canvas. The origin (0,0) is the top left corner, and each screen can be positioned relative to it. This allows gaps to be left on the canvas between screens for bezel compensation.

  • screenY int: The position of the screen on the canvas. The origin (0,0) is the top left corner, and each screen can be positioned relative to it. This allows gaps to be left on the canvas between screens for bezel compensation.

  • transform string: One of normal, 90, 180 or 270 rotations. Each screen can be rotated independently and when a screen is rotated, all content including video will be rotated.

  • enabled bool: Whether the screen is enabled for output


Takes the same format as argument that getScreenModes() returns. This method has been implemented as of BOS 9.0.15.


This interface contains the settings of a video-mode configuration.

In 4K modes, the graphics plane may be smaller than the video plane and output. In these cases, the graphics plane is upscaled to match the video plane/output.

  • modeName string: A description of the video mode (as well as any additional video-mode parameters). The video mode can also be set to "auto", “gfxmemlarge”, or "custom" which will use the mode configured using setCustomModeline.

  • colorSpace string: The color space of the video signal ("rgb", "yuv420", or "yuv422")

  • colorDepth string: The color depth of the video signal ("8bit", "10bit", or "12bit")

  • frequency int: The frame rate of the video output

  • dropFrame bool: A flag indicating whether the video timecode utilizes drop frames 

  • width int: The width of the video output

  • height int: The height of the video output

  • graphicsPlaneHeight int: The width of the graphics plane 

  • graphicsPlaneWidth int: The height of the graphics plane

  • preferred bool: A flag indicating whether the video mode is the preferred mode, which instructs the player to only use the video mode if the display EDID indicates that it is supported. Otherwise, the output will default to "auto" mode. If no EDID is detected at bootup, the player will output the preferred video mode. If an HDMI® hotplug event occurs afterward, then the player will perform the preferred video-mode check again. Note that preferred mode ignores video profile settings (i.e. color space and bit depth).

  • interlaced bool: A flag indicating whether the video output is interlaced

  • overscan int: A flag indicating whether the video output is using an overscan setting or not


This interface is returned by the setMode() method.

  • restartRequired bool: A flag indicating whether or not a reboot is required for the change in video settings to take effect.


  • outputName string

  • videoMode string

  • screenX int

  • screenY int

  • transform string

  • enabled bool


This script retrieves the largest supported video mode (as reported by the display EDID over HDMI) and sets the video output to this mode. It then reboots the player if required.

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