USB Event

USB Event






The USB event is used for USB input devices that deliver multi-character strings to the player. The original design for this event was to handle inputs from devices like USB bar code scanners, which translate bar code graphics into alpha numeric strings. While the USB Keyboard Event is limited to single character input strings, the USB Event handles devices that deliver strings that are one character or more.

The USB event triggers when a BrightSign player receives the specified input from a connected USB device (for example, a keyboard, mouse, or other peripheral). This feature is typically used to provide interactivity or automate certain functions.

In the Specify USB input field, enter the USB input string that will trigger the event.

These are common use cases for a USB event:

  • User Interaction: USB devices such as keyboards or mice can trigger specific interactions within an application or interface displayed on the screen. For example, a USB keyboard could be used for users to input information or navigate through a menu.

  • Content Switching: A USB event can be used to switch between different sets of content stored on the USB device. For example, inserting a USB drive could trigger the player to switch from displaying regular advertising content to a special promotion or event content stored on the USB drive.

  • Content Updates: USB events can trigger the player to check for updates on a USB device. For example, you can update content manually by inserting a USB drive with that content and the player will automatically load the new content.

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