Touch Event

Touch Event





The Touch event triggers when the user presses a region on a touch screen that is connected to the BrightSign player. Click the Set Touch Regions button in the Event Properties pane to define touch regions that will trigger the event.

Click Add Touch Region to add a new Touch event to the state: Each Touch event corresponds to a single touch region. Select a touch region to edit the transition as well as the exact positioning of the region:

  • Size: Set an exact size for the touch region. Alternatively, you can click and drag the marks surrounding the touch rectangle to change its size.

    • W: Enter the pixel width of the touch region.

    • H: Enter the pixel height of the touch region.

  • Position: Set an exact position for the touch region. Alternatively, you can click and drag the rectangle to a different area.

    • X: Enter the horizontal position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of the touch region.

    • Y: Enter the vertical position (in pixels) of the top-left corner of the touch region.

  • Advanced Commands: Add commands or conditional targets.

Once you are finished editing the touch region, click the Zone description located in the top left corner of the canvas. This will take you back to the Zone Content canvas.