This object is used to wait for events from a USB keyboard. It can also be used to configure the localization of the keyboard. The JavaScript equivalent is keyboard.
Object Creation: The roKeyboard object is created with no parameters.
SetPort(port As roMessagePort)
Posts messages of type roKeyboardPress to the attached message port.
SetUserData(user_data As Object)
Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.
GetUserData() As Object
Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData()
. It will return Invalid if no data has been set.
IsPresent() As Boolean
Returns True if a USB keyboard is connected to the player. This method counts a connected device as a keyboard if it reports having the following keys: "A", "Z", "0", "9", ".", and Enter.
SetNumLock(on_off As Boolean) As Boolean
Sets the numlock state for the attached USB keyboard if passed true. Resets the state if passed false.
SetLayout(layout As String) As Boolean
Specifies the localized layout for the attached USB keyboard. This setting takes effect immediately and persists in the registry after a reboot. The following table lists valid keymap parameters (players are set to "us" by default):
af | Afghanistan | es | Spain | kh | Cambodia | pk | Pakistan |
al | Albania | et | Ethiopia | kr | Korea, Republic of | pl | Poland |
am | Armenia | fi | Finland | kz | Kazakhstan | pt | Portugal |
at | Austria | fo | Faroe Islands | la | Laos | ro | Romania |
az | Azerbaijan | fr | France* | lk | Sri Lanka | rs | Serbia |
ba | Bosnia and Herzegovina | gb | United Kingdom | lt | Lithuania | ru | Russia |
bd | Bangladesh | ge | Georgia | lv | Latvia | se | Sweden |
be | Belgium | gh | Ghana | ma | Morocco | si | Slovenia |
bg | Bulgaria | gn | Guinea | md | Moldova | sk | Slovakia |
br | Brazil | gr | Greece | me | Montenegro | sn | Senegal |
bt | Bhutan | hr | Croatia | mk | Macedonia | sy | Syria |
bw | Botswana | hu | Hungary | ml | Mali | th | Thailand |
by | Belarus | ie | Ireland | mm | Myanmar | tj | Tajikistan |
ca | Canada | il | Israel | mn | Mongolia | tm | Turkmenistan |
cd | Congo (DRC) | in | India | mt | Macao | tr | Turkey |
ch | Switzerland | iq | Iraq | mv | Maldives | tw | Taiwan |
cm | Cameroon | ir | Iran | ng | Nigeria | tz | Tanzania |
cn | China | is | Iceland | nl | Netherlands | ua | Ukraine |
cz | Czech Republic | it | Italy | no | Norway | us | United States** |
de | Germany | jp | Japan | np | Nepal | uz | Uzbekistan |
dk | Denmark | ke | Kenya | pc | Pitcairn | vn | Vietnam |
ee | Estonia | kg | Kyrgyzstan | ph | Philippines | za | South Africa |
*Equivalent to the AZERTY keyboard layout
**The default setting