

For more information about available methods, refer to the roSerialPort entry.

If possible, use @brightsign/serialport with the Node Package serialport instead of BSSerialPort. A basic reference implementation can be found in this GitHub repository.

Object Creation

BSSerialPort(in unsigned long port);


void SetBaudRate(in unsigned long baudRate) raises(DOMException)

void SetDataBits(in unsigned long dataBits) raises(DOMException)

void SetStopBits(in unsigned long stopBits) raises(DOMException)

void SetParity(in DOMString parity) raises(DOMException)

boolean SetEcho(in boolean flag) boolean

SetInverted(in boolean flag) boolean

SetFlowControl(in boolean flag)

void SetGenerateByteEvent(in boolean flag) raises(DOMException)

void SetGenerateLineEvent(in boolean flag) raises(DOMException)

void SetLineEnding(in DOMString eol) raises(DOMException)

boolean SendByte(in unsigned long byte)

boolean SendBytes(in ArrayBuffer data)

boolean SendBytes(in ArrayBufferView data)

boolean SendBytes(in DOMString data)

boolean SendBreak(in long duration_ms)

void Flush() raises(DOMException)

void Close()

Shuts down the instance, preventing it from further consuming resources. If this method is not called, garbage collection determines when the instance will be destroyed.


The following events are available via the BSSerialPort object. Each event can receive a SerialPortEvent event.



SerialPortEvent – Attributes

For the onserialbyte event:

readonly attribute unsigned long sbyte

For the onserialline event:

readonly attribute DOMString sdata


function serialOut() { console.log("*** serialOut **"); // '2' is the first externally connected USB port on Cheetah var serial_out = new BSSerialPort(2); serial_out.SetBaudRate(115200); serial_out.SetDataBits(8); serial_out.SetStopBits(1); serial_out.SetParity("none"); serial_out.SetEcho(true); serial_out.SetGenerateByteEvent(true); serial_out.SetGenerateLineEvent(true); serial_out.onserialbyte = function(e){ console.log('### onserialbyte: ' + e.sbyte); } serial_out.onserialline = function(e){ console.log('### onserialline: ' + e.sdata); } serial_out.SendByte(89); serial_out.SendByte(90); serial_out.SendByte(91); serial_out.SendBytes('Hello World!'); serial_out.SendBytes(String.fromCharCode(64, 27, 66, 67)) }