

For more information about available methods, refer to the roDatagramReceiver and roDatagramEvent entries.


boolean BindLocalPort(in long port)

long GetLocalPort()

boolean JoinMulticastGroup(in DOMString group)

boolean SendTo(in DOMString dest, in long port, in ArrayBufferView data)

boolean SendTo(in DOMString dest, in long port, in DOMString data)

void Close()

Shuts down the instance, preventing it from further consuming resources. If this method is not called, garbage collection determines when the instance will be destroyed.


The following event is available on the BSDatagramSocket object. It can receive an event of the type DatagramSocketEvent. Use getBytes() to retrieve the body of the UDP message.



The DatagramSocketEvent has the following attributes:

readonly attribute DOMString remoteHost

readonly attribute int remotePort

The DatagramSocketEvent supports the following methods:

ArrayBuffer getBytes()


See here to learn how to convert between strings and an ArrayBuffer.

var bsSocketMessage = new BSDatagramSocket(); bsSocketMessage.BindLocalPort(1234) bsSocketMessage.ondatagram = function(e){ var txtDec = new TextDecoder("utf-8"); console.log("Received " + txtDec.decode(e.getBytes())); };