The GPS event specifies the action that occurs when a BrightSign player, connected to a compatible USB GPS device, enters or exits a defined geographical region.

  • Event Direction: Determine how the event should trigger in relation to the defined region.

    • Enter Region: The event triggers when the device moves from outside the defined region to inside of it.

    • Exit Region: The event triggers when the device moves from inside the defined region to outside of it.

  • Region: Define the size and shape of the circular region.

    • Radius: Specify the radius of the circular region. Use the dropdown menu to specify the units in Miles or Kilometers.

    • Latitude (degrees): Define the center of the circular region as a latitudinal coordinate.

    • Longitude (degrees): Define the center of the circular region as a longitudinal coordinate.


You can create more than one entry or exit region by adding multiple GPS events to a single state.