(2) Publishing Modes

One of the most important aspects of player configuration is establishing the method of delivering content to the player. This is referred to as the player’s Publishing Mode.

Descriptions for each Publishing Mode and their requirements are summarized below. Color-coded labels help highlight the key aspects of each mode.

Network access: no network local network internet
CMS: no cms content cloud cms partner cms


no network no cms BAcoNNECTED

  • Content is manually published/copied to a storage device (often a microSD card) and the storage device is then manually inserted into the player.

Local Network

local network no cms BAcoNNECTED

  • Content is published to the player over the local network.

Web Folder

internet no cms BAcoNNECTED

  • Content is published to a web folder that is accessible by the player.

  • Players periodically check the web folder for content updates and when new content is available, it is automatically published to the player.


internet content cloud cms BAcoNNECTED or web BROWSER

  • Content is stored, published, and managed using BrightSign’s CMS, the Content Cloud. More details on this can be found on the next page.

Partner App

internet partner cms web BROWSER

  • BrightSign has many partners who provide an alternative CMS for managing content. This publishing mode sets up players to utilize the specified partner’s CMS for content publishing and management.


internet partner cms web BROWSER

  • Content is packaged and placed at a player-accessible URL.

  • This method is similar to Web Folder but does not have the automatic checks for content updates that the Web Folder method offers.


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