This method uses a widget to create presentations, instead of creating four separate presentations.
Create the Presentation
- Select New Presentation in the Dashboard
- Select BrightWall as the Presentation Type
- Enter a Name (for example, BrightWallMultiAsset).
- Select the Number of rows and the Number of columns (2 by 2 in this case)
- Set the Target Resolution to resolution you need (1920X1080 in this case). Note that this number is the resolution for each screen (see Image 1).
- Select Start. This will take you to a new window. Double-click on the zone in the center panel.
- Switch the Interactive slider at the top right to make the presentation interactive.
- Open the content folder. Note that you will want to use assets that are already the correct size
Create the MultiAsset Widget
- Go to the Widgets tab and select the Multi Asset Widget. Drag it onto the canvas (see Image 1).
- Double click on the widget in the canvas.
- Drag your videos into the correct sections.
- Select Publish and Save.
- Select the devices you want to publish to under Networked Units and select Publish again. After the files transfer, a configuration screen will appear.
Image 1