XC5 Theory of Operations

XC5 Theory of Operations

This section describes how specific components operate on the XC2055 and XC4055

On-Board LEDs

The four on-board LEDs have the following indicators:





Green power (Pwr)

Displays when the board is powered up and not in reset mode. Flashes during firmware update process.

Green file-system activity (Bsy)

Flashes any time there is file-system activity (on any storage device)

Blue (WiFi)

Illuminates when WiFi is connected and flashes when searching for a connection

Red status (Err)

Flashes a certain number of times to indicate which error is occurring. The flash codes are described below:

  • 2: Unspecified error

  • 3: Network recovery script is preparing to run on a device configured for network recovery

  • 4: No upgrade file found

  • 5: Failed to load kernel module

  • 6: Board is not capable of running the current firmware version

  • 7: A piece of on-board hardware is not working correctly

  • 8: Problem related to the storage device (either the USB drive or MicroSD card)

  • 9: Problem related to the registry/NAND

  • 10: The autorun script encountered a load/run error

  • 11: WiFi-related error

  • 12: Unable to find bootable image

A solid error light is displayed during the micro-controller update in BOS 9.0.36. Updating from an earlier OS version to BOS 9.0.36 or later will trigger this light.

On-Board Switch / SVC Button

The SVC button is connected to the GPP_D6 GPIO on the processor. The RESET button is also sent to the PMIC (support micro), which when the button is asserted for four seconds will initiate a hard reset.

Reset Switch / GPIO Button

The RESET button is connected to the GPP_D5 GPIO on the processor. The RESET button is also sent to the PMIC (support micro), which when the button is asserted for four seconds will initiate a hard reset.

MicroSD Slot

The XC2055 and XC4055 have one MicroSD slot. High density memory cards with a capacity of up to 2TB, and SDR104 and microSC3.0 UHS-I ultra-high speed memory cards, are supported

Wireless Module

The XC2055 and XC4055 both have a dual antenna connection to allow users to install a BrightSign wireless module without disassembling the unit. BrightSign modules are configured to work with 802.11.N or 802.11.AC access points. This connection has a Bluetooth option.