Installation Requirements


This page outlines the hardware and software requirements for your server instance to run BSNEE. It also outlines how to meet the server software requirements.

Hardware Requirements

BSNEE can be run on an individual computer or a virtual machine. If BSNEE is hosted on a virtual machine, it must have equivalent performance to the hardware specifications outlined below.


  • 1.4 GHz or faster Dual Core processor

  • 2GB of RAM

  • 6GB free hard disk space

  • Network connection


  • A minimum hardware configuration should be used for testing/evaluation purposes only.

  • Device logs should be disabled with a minimum hardware configuration.

  • A maximum of 50 networked devices is recommended with this configuration.


  • 2.2 GHz or faster Quad Core processor (Intel Xeon is preferred)

  • 16GB of RAM

  • 50GB free hard disk space for Temporary Storage

  • 1TB additional free hard disk space for Persistent Storage (high-performance RAID configuration is preferred)

  • 1 Gbps network connection


  • This hardware configuration is recommended for production use.

  • A maximum of 500 networked devices is recommended with this configuration. If you want to increase the maximum amount of networked devices, note the following:

    • A more powerful CPU is required for operations stemming from the SQL server, Device Handlers node, and the Scheduler service.

    • More RAM is required for intensive processing of device logs (when all log types are enabled for every device), the SQL server, and the Scheduler service.

    • More free hard disk space is required for Persistent Storage and device log reports. Intensive operations may also be bottlenecked by the speed of the HDD.

Software Requirements



  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (with IIS installed)

  • MS SQL Server 2014 (including Express Edition) or 2016

  • .NET Framework 4.6.1 or later

  • X.509 certificate issued for the BSNEE Web Services node


The X.509 certificate is required by WS-* (WS-Security) specifications for message-level encryption in WCF services, as well as transport-level encryption for compliance with the WS-I Basic Profile 1.1, which is used by the BSN API on the Web Services node.

BrightSign Software Requirements

  • Target BrightAuthor version: 4.7.1.x

  • Minimum required BrightAuthor version:

  • Minimum player firmware version:

Device Family

Minimum OS Version

XT244, XT1144


XD234, XD1034


HD224, HD1024




XT243, XT1143


XD233, XD1033


HD223, HD1023




4K242, 4K1042, 4K1142


XD232, XD1032, XD1132


HD222, HD1022


LS322, LS422


XD230, XD1030, XD1230


HD220, HD1020, AU320


HD210(w), HD1010(w), TD1012


Meeting Software Requirements

The following software components need to be present before installing BSNEE:

  • IIS

  • WCF

  • MSMQ (Message Queuing) Features

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012

  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 or higher

If your server already meets these software requirements, please skip to the Pre-Installation section. Otherwise, install any or all components that are currently missing.


Before installing IIS, make sure you have administrative user rights on the computer you are using. By default, you will not have administrative user rights if you are logged in as a user other than the root administrator, even if you have been added to the Local Administrators group. This is a new security feature since Windows Server 2008, referred to as a “Local User Administrator”. 

Once you have administrative user rights, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Server Manager window, navigate to the Manage menu and select Add Roles and Features.

  2. The Add Roles and Features Wizard may launch a Before you Begin page, which will ask you to verify the following:

    1. That the administrator account has a strong password.

    2. That the network settings, such as IP addresses, are configured.

    3. That the latest security updates from Windows Update are installed.

  3. Select Web Server (IIS) on the Select Server Roles page.

  4. Click Next. An introductory page will open with links for further information. Click Next again.

  5. Install the Web Server (IIS) role with the following features:

  • Web Server

  • Common HTTP Features

    • Default Document

    • Directory Browsing

    • HTTP Errors

    • Static Content

    • HTTP Redirection

    • Health and Diagnostic Features

      • HTTP Logging

      • Custom Logging

      • Logging Tools

      • ODBC Logging

      • Request Monitor

      • Tracing

    • Performance

      • Static Content Compression

      • Dynamic Content Compression


    • Security

      • Request Filtering

      • Basic Authentication

      • Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

      • Digest Authentication

      • IIS Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

      • IP and Domain Restrictions

      • URL Authorization

      • Windows Authentication

    • Application Development

      • .NET Extensibility 3.5

      • .NET Extensibility 4.5

      • ASP.NET 3.5

      • ASP.NET 4.5

      • ISAPI Extensions

      • ISAPI Filters

    • Management Tools

      • IIS Management Console

      • IIS 6 Management Compatibility

        • IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

        • IIS 6 WMI Compatibility

        • IIS 6 Scripting Tools

        • IIS 6 Management Console

      • IIS Management Scripts and Tools

Click Next when finished. On the confirmation page, click Install.


WCF and MSMQ Features

Install the following server features:

  • .NET Framework 3.5 Features

    • .Net Framework 3.5

    • HTTP Activation

    • Non-HTTP Activation

  • .NET Framework 4.5 Features

    • .NET Framework 4.5

    • ASP.NET 4.5

    • WCF Services

      • HTTP Activation

  • Message Queuing

    • Message Queuing Services

      • Message Queuing Server

Click Next when finished. On the Confirmation page, click Install.

MS SQL Server and MicroSoft .NET Framework

These applications can be downloaded by visiting the Microsoft website. When installing the MS SQL Server, make sure to configure it for Mixed Mode Authentication.