We recommend using roAssetPool instead.
Object Creation: The roSyncPool object is created with a single parameter that specifies the file path where the pool is located.
CreateObject("roSyncPool", pool_path As String)
pool = CreateObject ("roSyncPool", "SD:/pool")
ValidateFiles(sync_spec As roSyncSpec, directory As String, options_array As roAssociativeArray) As Object
Validates the files in the specified directory against the hashes in the specified sync spec. Files that are not in the sync spec are ignored. The options array can currently contain the following optional parameters:
(Boolean): Automatically delete files that do not match the sync spec. The method will return an associative array that maps each fileneame to an explanation of why it is corrupt. The array only contains corrupt files, so the success is reported by the method returning an empty associative array.
GetFailureReason() As String
AsyncDownload(a As Object) As Boolean
AsyncCancel() As Boolean
Realize(a As Object, b As String) As Object
ProtectFiles(a As Object, b As Integer) As Boolean
ReserveMegabytes(a As Integer) As Boolean
GetPoolSizeInMegabytes() As Integer
EstimateRealizedSizeInMegabytes(a As Object, b As String) As Integer
IsReady(a As Object) As Boolean
Validate(a As Object, b As Object) As Boolean
EnablePeerVerification(a As Boolean)
EnableHostVerification(a As Boolean)
SetCertificatesFile(a As String)
SetUserAndPassword(a As String, b As String) As Boolean
AddHeader(a As String, b As String)
SetHeaders(a As Object) As Boolean
SetMinimumTransferRate(a As Integer, b As Integer) As Boolean
AsyncSuggestCache(a As Object) As Boolean
SetProxy(a As String) As Boolean
SetProxyBypass(a As Array) As Boolean
SetFileProgressIntervalSeconds(a As Integer) As Boolean
QueryFiles(a As Object) As Object
SetFileRetryCount(a As Integer) As Boolean
SetRelativeLinkPrefix(prefix As String) As Boolean
BindToInterface(interface As Integer) As Boolean
EnableUnsafeAuthentication(a As Boolean)
EnableUnsafeProxyAuthentication(enable As Boolean) As Boolean
EnableEncodings(enable As Boolean) As Boolean
SetMaximumReceiveBytesPerSecond(bytes_per_second as Double) As Boolean
SetMaximumPoolSizeMegabytes(maximum_size As Integer) As Boolean
GetIdentity() As Integer
The ifSourceIdentity interface has been deprecated. We recommend using the ifUserData interface instead.
SetPort(a As Object)
SetUserData(user_data As Object)
Sets the user data that will be returned when events are raised.
GetUserData() As Object
Returns the user data that has previously been set via SetUserData()
. It will return Invalid if no data has been set.