(3) What's Next?

Now that you have a fundamental understanding of how our players work, here are some recommended jump-off points.

If you intend to use BrightAuthor:connected to create and publish presentations and to manage players, it will be good to go through the user guide which begins with two quickstart guides to get you up and running quickly:

Player Quickstart

This guide will show you how to use BrightAuthor:connected to quickly provision a player per your desired publishing mode.

Publishing Quickstart

Once your player is provisioned, this guide will walk you through creating a simple presentation and publishing it to your player.


Frequently asked questions.

How To

Various “How To” articles from factory resetting a player to creating a video wall.


If you’re a partner interested in integrating your CMS with our players and services, head on over to our section for partner-specific info.