6.1-Core Library Extension
6.1-Core Library Extension
There are a number of built-in functions that are not part of the BrightScript Core Library. You can use the LIBRARY statement to include this subset of functions:
LIBRARY "v30/bslCore.brs"
bslBrightScriptErrorCodes() As roAssociativeArray
Returns an associative array of name/value pairs corresponding to BrightScript error codes and their descriptions.
bslGeneralConstraints() As roAssociativeArray
Returns an associative array of name/value pairs corresponding to system constants.
bslUniversalControlEventCodes() As roAssociativeArray
Returns an associative array of name/value pairs corresponding to the remote key code constraints.
AsciiToHex(ascii As String) As String
Returns a hex-formatted version of the passed ASCII string.
HexToAscii(hex As String) As String
Returns an ASCII-formatted version of the passed hex string.
HexToInteger(hex As String) As Integer
Returns the integer value of the passed hex string.
, multiple selections available,