Objects of type roRssArticle are returned by the roRssParser.GetNextArticle() method. These instances can be passed to the roTextWidget object to display the feed on-screen.
GetTitle() As String
Returns the title of the RSS item.
GetDescription() As String
Returns the content of the RSS item.
GetTimestampInSeconds(a As Integer) As Boolean
Returns in seconds the difference in publication date between this RSS item and the most recent item in the feed. The user can utilize this to decide if an article is too old to display.
SetTitle(a As String) As Boolean
SetDescription(a As String) As Boolean
SetTimestampInSeconds(a As Integer) As Boolean
For firmware versions 4.7.x and above, if no alpha value is specified when roTextWidget.SetForegroundColor() is called, the text widget area will appear blank.
u=CreateObject("roUrlTransfer") u.SetUrl("http://www.lemonde.fr/rss/sequence/0,2-3208,1-0,0.xml") u.GetToFile("tmp:/rss.xml") r=CreateObject("roRssParser") r.ParseFile("tmp:/rss.xml") EnableZoneSupport(1) b=CreateObject("roRectangle", 0, 668, 1024, 100) t=CreateObject("roTextWidget", b, 3, 2, 2) t.SetForegroundColor(&hFFD0D0D0) t.Show() a = r.GetNextArticle() while type(a) = "roRssArticle" t.PushString(a.GetDescription()) sleep(1000) a = r.GetNextArticle() end while while true sleep(1000) end while
, multiple selections available,