

This object enables the application to receive events that are intended for reporting errors and trends, rather than for triggering a response to a user action. 

The roSystemLog object requires specific design patterns in your BrightScript application:

  • Use one roMessagePort throughout the application (instead of creating a new roMessagePort for each screen).
  • Create one roSystemLog instance at startup that remains for the entire lifetime of the application.
  • Pass the global roMessagePort mentioned above to SetMessagePort() on the roSystemLog component.
  • Enable the desired log types using EnableType().


Object Creation: This object is created with no parameters:



SetSendEol(eol_sequence As String) As Void

Sets the EOL sequence when writing to the stream. The default value is CR+LF. If you need to set this value to a non-printing character, use the chr() global function.

SendByte(byte As Integer) As Void

Writes the specified byte to the stream.

SendLine(string As String) As Void

Writes the specified characters to the stream followed by the current EOL sequence.

SendBlock(a As Dynamic) As Void

Writes the specified characters to the stream. This method can support either a string or an roByteArray. If the block is a string, any null bytes will terminate the block.



ReadLog() As Object