Object Creation
To create an audio object, first load the brightsign/audio module using the require() method. Then create an instance of the audio class using the following example:
var audio_class = require("@brightsign/audio"); var audio_player = new audio_class();
Use this interface to create audio objects.
This event is fired when media loops back to the start.
void load()
Triggers processing of the src
. load
starts up playback to the point of being ready to play the first frame. If autoplay
is set, then it also starts playback. readyState
and networkState
are altered, and multiple events fire as playback starts.
String canPlayType(String type)
Returns whether the passed MIME type can be displayed on the BrightSign player.
void play()
Starts or resumes playback.
void pause()
Pauses playback.
void setSyncParams(String domain, String sync_id, String iso_timestamp)
This BrightSign extension is documented here.
Audio Parameters
[String] src: C
ontains the URL of a media resource to use in the element. Only file URLs are supported currently, including relative URLs to the current script and a file:/// URI with an absolute filesystem path on the player. The URL returned when reading this value back is always absolute with file: protocol on the front.[string] currentSrc:
Contains the URL of the media resource in use by the element.[unsigned short] networkState
: An enum that indicates the current state of the fetching of media. This attribute moves through the states assrc
is selected and playback begins, but because support is currently for files only, it is not as dynamic as when used with HTTP. Possible values are:- NETWORK_EMPTY = 0,
[unsigned short] readyState:
Indicates the readiness state of media. This attribute moves through the states assrc
is selected and playback begins. Possible values are:HAVE_NOTHING = 0,
[boolean] seeking:
Indicates if the media is seeking to a new position.
[double] currentTime:
Specifies the current playback time in seconds as a floating point. Currently seeking is not supported, and setting this attribute has no effect. If playback is completed, this returns the same value as duration.[double] duration: S
pecifies the current duration of the media in seconds as a floating point.[boolean] paused:
Reflects whether the media playback is currently paused.[double]
This cannot be set to anything other than 1.0, and always returns 1.0 (only normal speed playback is supported).[double]
This cannot be set to anything other than 1.0, and always returns 1.0 (only normal speed playback is supported).[bool] ended:
Reflects where the media playback has reached the end of the media.[boolean] autoplay:
Indicates whether playback should automatically begin when media is available to play without interruption.[boolean] loop:
Sets whether the playback should loop or not. The value is used when load is called. Setting it once playback has started will have no effect.[double] volume:
Controls the volume of playback[boolean] muted:
Controls the muting and unmuting of the audio[String] pcmaudio:
Route decoded PCM audio to the outputs in the string. Outputs available areanalog
, or a USB output (for example,usb:A.0
). Multiple outputs can be specified by using a semi-colon delimeter (for example,earc; analog
)[String] compaudio:
Routes compressed audio direct to eARC without decoding. Can be set toearc
only.[int] x-bs-stream-timeout
: Controls timeouts when streaming.[String] x-bs-audio-mode:
, and the default which isStereo
. Using this, two audio players can output to a single stereo output, one to the left channel, and the other to the right channel.
Unimplemented Methods and Properties
const audio_class = require("@brightsign/audio"); let audio_player = new audio_class(); audio_player.src = "/storage/sd/file.mp4" audio_player.volume = .5; audio_player.load(); audio_player.play();
let setupAudio = (audio, setupObj) => { for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(setupObj)) { audio[key] = val; } } let interval = setInterval(()=>{}, 10000); const audio_class = require("@brightsign/audio"); let audio = new audio_class(); let settings = { src: '/storage/sd/file.mp4', autoplay: true, loop: false, volume: .5, pcmAudio: "analog" }; setupAudio(audio, settings); audio.load(); audio.addEventListener("ended", () => { audio.src = ''; audio = null; clearInterval(interval); process.exit(0); });