Copy of Devices Endpoints (DOCS-892)


This endpoint allows for management and monitoring of devices on the network.



Retrieves a list of devices on the network.

URL Parameters

  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Device instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of Device instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[device].[serial] ASC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of devices on the network that are visible to the user (i.e. viewing permissions may affect this number)
  • [int] matchingItemCount: The total number of devices on the network that match the filter criteria specified in the request
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of Device instances that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression specified in the URL
  • [Device[]]items: An array of Device object instances. Each Device instance can have the following entries:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the device instance
    • [string] serial:  The device serial number 
    • [DeviceModel] model:  The device model number
    • [DeviceFamily] family: The name of the BrightSign player family
    • [datetime] registrationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the player instance was registered
    • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the player instance was last modified 
    • [settings] settings: The player settings for each device instance can have the following entries:
      • [string] name: The device name
      • [string] description: A user-defined description of the device. The description does not need to be unique within the scope of the account.
      • [string] setupType:  Either "BSN", "SFN", "LFN", "Standalone", or "Partner Application"
      • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: The date on which the settings were last modified.
      • [bool] concatUnitNameAndSerial: A flag specifying the desired device-naming method. A True value indicates that clients should append the device serial number to the device name. A False value indicates that nothing should be appended to the device name.

      • [group] group: Each device instance can have the following entries:  
        • [int] id: The group id
        • [string] name: The name of the group
        • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the group 
      • [brightWall] brightWall:
        • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Bright Wall
        • [string] name: The Bright Wall name
        • [byte] screen: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned
        • [URL] link:  The URL of the BSN API for the brightWall
      • [string] timeZone: The time zone of the player
      • [screen] screen: Each device instance can have the following entries:
        • idleColor: The AARRGGBB color code for the idle screen
        • splashUrl: The URL address for the splash screen
      • [synchronization] synchronization:  Each device instance can have the following entries:
        • status
          • [TimeSpan] period
        • settings
          • [TimeSpan] period
        • schedule
          • [TimeSpan] period
        • content
          • [TimeSpan] start
          • [TimeSpan] end
      • network: Each device instance can have the following entries:
        • [string] hostname: The name of the host device
        • [URL] proxyServer: The URL address of the proxy server
        • [string[]] proxyBypass: The proxy bypass server names 
        • [URL[]] timeServers: The URL address for the NTP server (for example, "ntp://")
        • [NetworkInterfaceSettings[]]interfaces:  An array of settings for Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular, Virtual, or Other networks 
          • [string] name:  Name of the interface, such as "eth0", "wlan0", "eth0.25", or "usb0"
          • [string] type: "Ethernet", "WiFi", "Cellular", "Virtual", or "Other"  enumeration values
          • [bool] enabled: If true, the network interface is enabled.
          • [string] ssid: The WiFi network name (for WiFi only)
          • security: WiFi networks can have the following security settings: 
            • authentication:
              • mode: One of "Open", "Shared", "EAP", or "Other" enumeration values 
              • [string] passphrase:  A passphrase - applies only to "Shared" mode
            • encryption:
              • mode: One of "None", "WEP", "TKIP", "AES", or "Other"  enumeration values 
          • [CellularModemSettings[]]sims:
            • [string] mcc:  A three digit code
            • [string] mnc:  A two or three digit code
            • [string] connection:  The cellular connection settings - either "dialUp", "Default", or "Unknown" 
          • [CellularModemSettings[]]modems: Cellular modems can have the following settings:
            • [string] model:  The cellular modem model information
            • [string[]] usbDeviceIds: Must contain one or more usb device ids
          • [string] parent: The parent (for virtual networks)
          • [ushort] vlanId: The VLAN id (for virtual networks)
          • proto: Comma separated enumeration values ("Static", "DHCPv4", "DHCPv6", "NDP", "Other").
          • ip[]: May contain zero or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation.
          • [IPv4Address] gateway: The gateway IPv4 address 
          • [string[]]dns: May contain zero or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation 
          • [uint] rateLimitDuringInitialDownloads: The rate limitation during initial content downloads (in bits per second)
          • [uint] rateLimitInsideContentDownloadWindow: The rate limitation inside the content download window (in bits per second)
          • [uint] rateLimitOutsideContentDownloadWindow: The rate limitation outside the content download window (in bits per second)
          • [bool] contentDownloadEnabled: If true, then content downloads are enabled
          • [bool] textFeedsDownloadEnabled: If true, then text feed downloads are enabled
          • [bool] mediaFeedsDownloadEnabled: If true, then media feed downloads are enabled
          • [bool] healthReportingEnabled: If true, then health reporting is enabled
          • [bool] logsUploadEnabled: If true, then log uploading is enabled
      • beacons: An array of the following entries:
        • [DeviceBeaconMode] mode:  One of "iBeacon" or "eddystone-uid" or "eddystone-url"
        • [string] name:  The beacon name
        • [GUID] uuid:  The UUID of the beacon
        • [ushort] major: An integer specifying the 2-byte Major value (0 to 65535)
        • [ushort] minor: An integer specifying the 2-byte Minor value (0 to 65535)
        • [byte[]] namespaceID:  A 10-byte value expressed as 20 hexadecimal digits (base 64)
        • [byte[]] instanceID:  A 6-byte value expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits (base 64)
        • [URI] url: The URL to encapsulate in the advertisement packet. 
        • [short] power: An integer value that corresponds to the measurement of the Tx power level (in dBm) at 0 meters. 
      • [location] location:
        • [string] placeId: The textual identifier of the device location
        • [double] gpsLatitude: The latitude of the device location
        • [double] gpsLongitude: The longitude of the device location
        • [string] country: The country in which the device is located (for example, "Germany")
        • [string] countryLongName: The full name of the country in which the device is located (for example, "Federal Republic of Germany")
        • [string] adminAreaLevel1: The country in which the device is located
        • [string] adminAreaLevel1LongName: The full name of the country in which the device is located
        • [string] adminAreaLevel2:  The county name (within the United States), or a second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located. 
        • [string] adminAreaLevel2LongName: The full county name (within the United States), or the full name of the second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located.
        • [string] locality:  The name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located
        • [string] localityLongName: The full name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located
        • [string] path:
        • [string] pathLongName:
      • [screenshots] screenshots:
        • [TimeSpan] interval: How often the player should take a snapshot of the presentation display.
        • [ushort] countLimit: How many images can be stored on the local storage of the player (100 image maximum)
        • [byte] quality: The quality level of each image file.
        • [ScreenOrientation] orientation:  Either "Landscape" or "Portrait"
      • logging:
        • [bool] enableDiagnosticLog: If true, diagnostic logging is enabled
        • [bool] enableEventLog: If true, event logging is enabled
        • [bool] enablePlaybackLog: If true, playback logging is enabled
        • [bool] enableStateLog: If true, state logging is enabled
        • [bool] enableVariableLog: If true, variable logging is enabled
        • [bool] uploadAtBoot:  If true, then logs will be uploaded when the device boots
        • [TimeSpan] uploadTime: The time when the device will upload logs to BSN
      • lws:
        • [bool] enableUpdateNotifications: If true, local web server update notifications are enabled
        • [string] userName:  The local web server user name (for example, "admin")
        • [string] password: The local web server password
      • ldws:
        • [string] password: The ldws password
      • [status] status: The player status
        • group: Each device instance can have the following entries:
          • [int] id: A unique identifier for the group
          • [string] name: The group name
          • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the group
        • brightWall: Each device instance can have the following entries:
          • [int] id: A unique identifier for the BrightWall
          • [string] name: The BrightWall name
          • [byte] screen: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned.
          • [URL] link:  The URL of the BSN API for the brightWall
        • presentation: The following entries describe the presentation:
          • [int] id: A unique identifier for the presentation instance
          • type: The type of presentation (either "BrightWall" or "Regular")
          • [string] name: The name of the presentation
          • [URL] link:
        • [string] timezone: The time zone of the player
        • script: Each device instance can have the following entries:
          • type: "Setup", "Autorun", "Recovery" or "Custom" enumeration values
          • [string] version:  The BrightSign OS version
          • plugins: Each device instance can have the following entries:
            • [string] filename: The plugin .brs file name
            • [uint] filesize: The size of the file
            • [string] filehash: The 40 digits hexadecimal SHA-1 hash
        • firmware: Each device instance has the following entry:
          • [string] version: The BrightSign OS version
        • storage: An array of elements with unique "interface" values:
          • interface: Either "/storage/tmp" or "/storage/flash" or "/storage/sd" or "storage/usb1" or "/storage/sd2" and "/storage/ssd"
          • system: The file system for this interface
          • access:  "Read" or "write" enumeration values.
          • [DynamicObject]stats: Contains the following entries:
            • [long] sizeTotal: Total size of the interface
            • [long] sizeFree: Available space on the interface
            • [long] blockSize: The block size of the filesystem
        • [CellularModemStatus] modem: One of the following:

          • [string] imei: The unique identifier for the modem

          • [string] manufacturer:  The name of the modem manufacturer

          • [string] model: The modem model information

          • [string] revision: 

        • [CellularModuleStatus[]] sims: May contain [0;2] elements:

          • [string] status: The module status

          • [string] iccid: The module Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number

          • [CellularConnectionStatus] connection: 

            • [string] network: The network name

            • [short] signal: A number that defines the signal strength:

              Excellent>=70 dBm >=-84 dBm 
              Good -70 dBm to -85 dBm -84 to -102 dBm 
              Fair-86 dBm to -100 dBm -102 to -111 dBm 
              Poor<-100 dBm<-111 Poor  dBm 
        • [SynchronizationStatus] synchronization

          • [SettingsSynchronizationStatus] settings 

            • [bool] enabled: 

          • [ScheduleSynchronizationStatus] schedule 

            • [bool] enabled:

          • [ContentSynchronizationStatus] content

            • [bool] enabled:

        • network: Displays the status of the network connection for the device instance.
          • [IPv4Address] externalIp:  An IPv4 or IPv6 address 
          • [NetworkInterfaceStatus[]]interfaces: An array that shows the status for the network interfaces:  
            • [string] name: Name of the interface type ("eth0", "eth0.25", "eth0.11", wlan0, "ppp0", or "usb0")
            • [string] type: One of "Ethernet", "WiFi", "Cellular", "Virtual", "Bridge", or "Other" enumeration values
            • [string] proto: Comma separated "Static", "DHCPv4", "DHCPv6", or "NDP" enumeration values
            • [MACAddress] mac:  The media access control identifier
            • ip: May contain zero or more  IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation
            • [IPv4Address] gateway: "Null" means that a default route is absent
            • [ushort] metric: "null" means that a default route is absent
        • [TimeSpan] uptime: The length of time that the player has been running.
        • [datetime] currentSettingsTimestamp: The date and time
        • [datetime] currentScheduleTimestamp: The date and time of the current schedule
        • [string] health: Returns "Normal", "Warning", or "Error" depending on player health
        • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the player status was last modified
      • [PlayerSubscription] subscription: 
        • [int] id: A unique identifier for the PlayerSubscription instance
        • [DeviceInfo] device: The identifier of the device that is currently using the PlayerSubscription instance.
          • [int] id: A unique identifier for the device
          • [string] serial: The serial number of the device
        • type: The subscription type, which can be one of the following:
          • "Grace":A free subscription that is created automatically for a device that connects to the BrightSign Network for the first time. A grace subscription lasts for 30 days and can only be used once by a single device.
          • "Demo": A free subscription that can only be created by the BrightSign Network administrators. BrightSign network accounts are limited to a maximum of four demo subscriptions, and each device assigned a demo subscription has content downloads capped at 1 GiB.
          • "Commercial": A valid commercial subscription
        • [TimeSpan] activityPeriod:  The time span during which the subscription has been active
        • status: The status of the device subscription, either "Active", "Suspending", or "Suspended"
        • [DateTime] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription instance was created in the BrightSign Network.
        • [DateTime] activationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the subscription was activated by a device. This property is Null if the subscription has not been activated yet. 
        • [DateTime] suspensionDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the status of the DeviceSubscription instance was changed to “Suspended”. This property is Null if the status of the DeviceSubscription instance is currently “Active”.
        • [DateTime] expirationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription will expire. This property is Null if the DeviceSubscription instance has not been activated. 
      • [TaggedGroupInfo[]] taggedGroups:

      • [Dictionary<string, string>] tags:

        • string::[Device].<Country>: The country identifier

        • string::[Device].<City>: The city identifier

        • number::[Device].<Number>: The number identifier

      • [Permission[]] permissions:

        • [int] entityId: The identifier for the device entity

        • [GUID] operationUID: The unique identifier for the operation
        • [PrincipalInfo] principal: 

          • [string] name: The name associated with the permissions (for example, "Custom Administrators")

          • [bool] isCustom: If true, this is a custom role

          • type: Either "User" or "Role"

          • [int] id: The id associated with the permissions

        • [bool] isFixed:  If false, permissions are not fixed.

        • [bool] isInherited:  If false, permissions are not inherited.

        • [bool] isAllowed:  If false, permissions are not allowed.

        • [DateTime] creationDate: The date that permissions were created



Retrieves the "Player" entity instance with the specified id or serial number.

URL Parameters

  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of device instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of device instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[device].[serial] ASC")

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the device instance
  • [string] serial:  The device serial number 
  • [DeviceModel] model:  The device model number
  • [DeviceFamily] family: The name of the BrightSign player family
  • [datetime] registrationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the player instance was registered
  • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the player instance was last modified 
  • [settings] settings: The player settings for each device instance can have the following entries:
    • [string] name: The device name
    • [string] description: A user-defined description of the device. The description does not need to be unique within the scope of the account.
    • [string] setupType:  Either "BSN", "SFN", "LFN", "Standalone", or "Partner Application"
    • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: The date on which the settings were last modified.
    • [bool] concatUnitNameAndSerial: A flag specifying the desired device-naming method. A True value indicates that clients should append the device serial number to the device name. A False value indicates that nothing should be appended to the device name.

    • [group] group: Each device instance can have the following entries:  
      • [int] id: The group id
      • [string] name: The name of the group
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the group 
    • [brightWall] brightWall:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Bright Wall
      • [string] name: The Bright Wall name
      • [byte] screen: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned
      • [URL] link:  The URL of the BSN API for the BrightWall presentation
    • [string] timeZone: The time zone of the player
    • [screen] screen: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • idleColor: The AARRGGBB color code for the idle screen
      • splashUrl: The URL address for the splash screen
    • [synchronization] synchronization:  Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • status
        • [TimeSpan] period
      • settings
        • [TimeSpan] period
      • schedule
        • [TimeSpan] period
      • content
        • [TimeSpan] start
        • [TimeSpan] end
    • network: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • [string] hostname: The name of the host device
      • [URL] proxyServer: The URL address of the proxy server
      • [string[]] proxyBypass: The proxy bypass server name 
      • [URL[]] timeServers: The URL address for the NTP server (for example, "ntp://")
      • [NetworkInterfaceSettings[]]interfaces:  An array of settings for Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular, Virtual, or Other networks 
        • [string] name:  Name of the interface, such as "eth0", "wlan0", "eth0.25", or "usb0"
        • [string] type: "Ethernet", "WiFi", "Cellular", "Virtual", or "Other"  enumeration values
        • [bool] enabled: If true, the network interface is enabled.
        • [string] ssid: The WiFi network name (for WiFi only)
        • security: WiFi networks can have the following security settings: 
          • authentication:
            • mode: One of "Open", "Shared", "EAP", or "Other" enumeration values 
            • [string] passphrase:  A passphrase - applies only to "Shared" mode
          • encryption:
            • mode: One of "None", "WEP", "TKIP", "AES", or "Other"  enumeration values 
        • [CellularModemSettings[]]sims:
          • [string] mcc:  A three digit code
          • [string] mnc:  A two or three digit code
          • [string] connection:  The cellular connection settings - either "dialUp", "Default", or "Unknown" 
        • [CellularModemSettings[]] modems: Cellular modems can have the following settings:
          • [string] model:  The cellular modem model information
          • [string[]] usbDeviceIds: Must contain one or more usb device ids
        • [string] parent: The parent (for virtual networks)
        • [ushort] vlanId: The VLAN id (for virtual networks)
        • proto: Comma separated enumeration values ("Static", "DHCPv4", "DHCPv6", "NDP", "Other").
        • ip[]: May contain zero or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation.
        • [IPv4Address] gateway: The gateway IPv4 address 
        • [string[]]dns: May contain zero or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation 
        • [uint] rateLimitDuringInitialDownloads: The rate limitation during initial content downloads (in bits per second)
        • [uint] rateLimitInsideContentDownloadWindow: The rate limitation inside the content download window (in bits per second)
        • [uint] rateLimitOutsideContentDownloadWindow: The rate limitation outside the content download window (in bits per second)
        • [bool] contentDownloadEnabled: If true, then content downloads are enabled
        • [bool] textFeedsDownloadEnabled: If true, then text feed downloads are enabled
        • [bool] mediaFeedsDownloadEnabled: If true, then media feed downloads are enabled
        • [bool] healthReportingEnabled: If true, then health reporting is enabled
        • [bool] logsUploadEnabled: If true, then log uploading is enabled
    • beacons: An array of the following entries:
      • [DeviceBeaconMode] mode:  One of "iBeacon" or "eddystone-uid" or "eddystone-url"
      • [string] name:  The beacon name
      • [GUID] uuid:  The UUID of the beacon
      • [ushort] major: An integer specifying the 2-byte Major value (0 to 65535)
      • [ushort] minor: An integer specifying the 2-byte Minor value (0 to 65535)
      • [byte[]] namespaceID:  A 10-byte value expressed as 20 hexadecimal digits (base 64)
      • [byte[]] instanceID:  A 6-byte value expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits (base 64)
      • [URI] url: The URL to encapsulate in the advertisement packet. 
      • [short] power: An integer value that corresponds to the measurement of the Tx power level (in dBm) at 0 meters. 
    • [location] location:
      • [string] placeId: The textual identifier of the device location
      • [double] gpsLatitude: The latitude of the device location
      • [double] gpsLongitude: The longitude of the device location
      • [string] country: The country in which the device is located (for example, "Germany")
      • [string] countryLongName: The full name of the country in which the device is located (for example, "Federal Republic of Germany")
      • [string] adminAreaLevel1: The country in which the device is located
      • [string] adminAreaLevel1LongName: The full name of the country in which the device is located
      • [string] adminAreaLevel2:  The county name (within the United States), or a second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located. 
      • [string] adminAreaLevel2LongName: The full county name (within the United States), or the full name of the second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located.
      • [string] locality:  The name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located
      • [string] localityLongName: The full name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located
      • [string] path:
      • [string] pathLongName:
    • [screenshots] screenshots:
      • [TimeSpan] interval: How often the player should take a snapshot of the presentation display.
      • [ushort] countLimit: How many images can be stored on the local storage of the player (100 image maximum)
      • [byte] quality: The quality level of each image file.
      • [ScreenOrientation] orientation:  Either "Landscape" or "Portrait"
    • logging:
      • [bool] enableDiagnosticLog: If true, diagnostic logging is enabled
      • [bool] enableEventLog: If true, event logging is enabled
      • [bool] enablePlaybackLog: If true, playback logging is enabled
      • [bool] enableStateLog: If true, state logging is enabled
      • [bool] enableVariableLog: If true, variable logging is enabled
      • [bool] uploadAtBoot:  If true, then logs will be uploaded when the device boots
      • [TimeSpan] uploadTime: The time when the device will upload logs to BSN
    • lws:
      • [bool] enableUpdateNotifications: If true, local web server update notifications are enabled
      • [string] userName:  The local web server user name (for example, "admin")
      • [string] password: The local web server password
    • ldws:
      • [string] password: The ldws password
  • [status] status: The player status
    • group: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the group
      • [string] name: The group name
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the group
    • brightWall: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the BrightWall
      • [string] name: The BrightWall name
      • [byte] screen: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned.
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the BrightWall presentation
    • presentation: The following entries describe the presentation:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the presentation instance
      • type: The type of presentation (either "BrightWall" or "Regular")
      • [string] name: The name of the presentation
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the presentation
    • [string] timezone: The time zone of the player
    • script: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • type: "Setup", "Autorun", "Recovery" or "Custom" enumeration values
      • [string] version:  The BrightSign OS version
      • plugins: Each device instance can have the following entries:
        • [string] filename: The plugin .brs file name
        • [uint] filesize: The size of the file
        • [string] filehash: The 40 digits hexadecimal SHA-1 hash
    • firmware: Each device instance has the following entry:
      • [string] version: The BrightSign OS version
    • storage: An array of elements with unique "interface" values:
      • interface: Either "/storage/tmp" or "/storage/flash" or "/storage/sd" or "storage/usb1" or "/storage/sd2" and "/storage/ssd"
      • system: The file system for this interface
      • access:  "Read" or "write" enumeration values.
      • [DynamicObject]stats: Contains the following entries:
        • [long] sizeTotal: Total size of the interface
        • [long] sizeFree: Available space on the interface
        • [long] blockSize: The block size of the filesystem
    • [CellularModemStatus] modem: One of the following:

      • [string] imei: The unique identifier for the modem

      • [string] manufacturer:  The name of the modem manufacturer

      • [string] model: The modem model information

      • [string] revision: 

    • [CellularModuleStatus[]] sims: May contain [0;2] elements:

      • [string] status: The module status

      • [string] iccid: The module Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number

      • [CellularConnectionStatus] connection: 

        • [string] network: The network name

        • [short] signal: A number that defines the signal strength:

          Excellent>=70 dBm >=-84 dBm 
          Good -70 dBm to -85 dBm -84 to -102 dBm 
          Fair-86 dBm to -100 dBm -102 to -111 dBm 
          Poor<-100 dBm<-111 Poor  dBm 
    • [SynchronizationStatus] synchronization

      • [SettingsSynchronizationStatus] settings 

        • [bool] enabled: 

      • [ScheduleSynchronizationStatus] schedule 

        • [bool] enabled:

      • [ContentSynchronizationStatus] content

        • [bool] enabled:

    • network: Displays the status of the network connection for the device instance.
      • [IPv4Address] externalIp:  An IPv4 or IPv6 address 
      • [NetworkInterfaceStatus[]]interfaces: An array that shows the status for the network interfaces:  
        • [string] name: Name of the interface type ("eth0", "eth0.25", "eth0.11", wlan0, "ppp0", or "usb0")
        • [string] type: One of "Ethernet", "WiFi", "Cellular", "Virtual", "Bridge", or "Other" enumeration values
        • [string] proto: Comma separated "Static", "DHCPv4", "DHCPv6", or "NDP" enumeration values
        • [MACAddress] mac:  The media access control identifier
        • ip: May contain zero or more  IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation
        • [IPv4Address] gateway: "Null" means that a default route is absent
        • [ushort] metric: "null" means that a default route is absent
    • [TimeSpan] uptime: The length of time that the player has been running.
    • [datetime] currentSettingsTimestamp: The date and time
    • [datetime] currentScheduleTimestamp: The date and time of the current schedule
    • [string] health: Returns "Normal", "Warning", or "Error" depending on player health
    • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the player status was last modified
  • [PlayerSubscription] subscription: 
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the PlayerSubscription instance
    • [DeviceInfo] device: The identifier of the device that is currently using the PlayerSubscription instance.
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the device
      • [string] serial: The serial number of the device
    • type: The subscription type, which can be one of the following:
      • "Grace":A free subscription that is created automatically for a device that connects to the BrightSign Network for the first time. A grace subscription lasts for 30 days and can only be used once by a single device.
      • "Demo": A free subscription that can only be created by the BrightSign Network administrators. BrightSign network accounts are limited to a maximum of four demo subscriptions, and each device assigned a demo subscription has content downloads capped at 1 GiB.
      • "Commercial": A valid commercial subscription
    • [TimeSpan] activityPeriod:  The time span during which the subscription has been active
    • status: The status of the device subscription, either "Active", "Suspending", or "Suspended"
    • [DateTime] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription instance was created in the BrightSign Network.
    • [DateTime] activationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the subscription was activated by a device. This property is Null if the subscription has not been activated yet. 
    • [DateTime] suspensionDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the status of the DeviceSubscription instance was changed to “Suspended”. This property is Null if the status of the DeviceSubscription instance is currently “Active”.
    • [DateTime] expirationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription will expire. This property is Null if the DeviceSubscription instance has not been activated. 
  • [TaggedGroupInfo[]] taggedGroups:

  • [Dictionary<string, string>] tags:

    • string::[Device].<Country>: The country identifier

    • string::[Device].<City>: The city identifier

    • number::[Device].<Number>: The number identifier

  • [Permission[]] permissions:

    • [int] entityId: The identifier for the device entity

    • [GUID] operationUID: The unique identifier for the operation

    • [PrincipalInfo] principal: 

      • [string] name: The name associated with the permissions (for example, "Custom Administrators")

      • [bool] isCustom: If true, this is a custom role

      • type: Either "User" or "Role"

      • [int] id: The id associated with the permissions

    • [bool] isFixed:  If false, permissions are not fixed.

    • [bool] isInherited:  If false, permissions are not inherited.

    • [bool] isAllowed:  If false, permissions are not allowed.

    • [DateTime] creationDate: The date that permissions were created


Update the existing "Player" entity.

Request Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the device instance
  • [string] serial:  The device serial number
  • [DeviceModel] model:  The device model number 
  • [DeviceFamily] family: The model family of the device 
  • [datetime] registrationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the device instance was registered
  • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the device instance was last modified
  • [settings] settings: The player settings for each device instance can have the following entries:
    • [string] name: The device name
    • [string] description: A user-defined description of the device. The description does not need to be unique within the scope of the account.
    • [bool] concatNameAndSerial:  Specifies the desired device naming method. A True value indicates that clients should append the device serial number to the device name. A False value indicates that the device name should have nothing appended to it.
    • [string] setupType:  Either "BSN", "SFN", "LFN", "Standalone", or "Partner Application"
    • [datetime] lastModifiedDate: The date on which the settings were last modified.
    • [bool] concatUnitNameAndSerial: A flag specifying the desired device-naming method. A True value indicates that clients should append the device serial number to the device name. A False value indicates that nothing should be appended to the device name.

    • [group] group: Each device instance can have the following entries:  
      • [int] id: The group id
      • [string] name: The name of the group
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the group 
    • [brightWall] brightWall:
      • [int] id:  A unique identifier for the Bright Wall
      • [string] name: The Bright Wall name
      • [byte] screen: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned
      • [URL] link:  The URL of the BSN API for the brightWall
    • [string] timeZone: The time zone of the player
    • [screen] screen: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • idleColor: The AARRGGBB color code for the idle screen
      • splashUrl: The URL address for the splash screen
    • [synchronization] synchronization:  Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • status
        • [TimeSpan] period
      • settings
        • [TimeSpan] period
      • schedule
        • [TimeSpan] period
      • content
        • [TimeSpan] start
        • [TimeSpan] end
    • network: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • [string] hostname: The name of the host device
      • [URL] proxyServer: The URL address of the proxy server
      • [string[]] proxyBypass: The proxy bypass server name 
      • [URL[]] timeServers: The URL address for the NTP server (for example, "ntp://")
      • [NetworkInterfaceSettings[]]interfaces:  An array of settings for Ethernet, WiFi, Cellular, Virtual, or Other networks 
        • [string] name:  Name of the interface, such as "eth0", "wlan0", "eth0.25", or "usb0"
        • [string] type: "Ethernet", "WiFi", "Cellular", "Virtual", or "Other"  enumeration values
        • [bool] enabled: If true, the network interface is enabled.
        • [string] ssid: The WiFi network name (for WiFi only)
        • security: WiFi networks can have the following security settings: 
          • authentication:
            • mode: One of "Open", "Shared", "EAP", or "Other" enumeration values 
            • [string] passphrase:  A passphrase - applies only to "Shared" mode
          • encryption:
            • mode: One of "None", "WEP", "TKIP", "AES", or "Other"  enumeration values 
        • [CellularModemSettings[]]sims:
          • [string] mcc:  A three digit code
          • [string] mnc:  A two or three digit code
          • [string] connection:  The cellular connection settings - either "dialUp", "Default", or "Unknown" 
        • [CellularModemSettings[]] modems: Cellular modems can have the following settings:
          • [string] model:  The cellular modem model information
          • [string[]] usbDeviceIds: Must contain one or more usb device ids
        • [string] parent: The parent (for virtual networks)
        • [ushort] vlanId: The VLAN id (for virtual networks)
        • proto: Comma separated enumeration values ("Static", "DHCPv4", "DHCPv6", "NDP", "Other").
        • ip[]: May contain zero or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation.
        • [IPv4Address] gateway: The gateway IPv4 address 
        • [string[]]dns: May contain zero or more IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation 
        • [uint] rateLimitDuringInitialDownloads: The rate limitation during initial content downloads (in bits per second)
        • [uint] rateLimitInsideContentDownloadWindow: The rate limitation inside the content download window (in bits per second)
        • [uint] rateLimitOutsideContentDownloadWindow: The rate limitation outside the content download window (in bits per second)
        • [bool] contentDownloadEnabled: If true, then content downloads are enabled
        • [bool] textFeedsDownloadEnabled: If true, then text feed downloads are enabled
        • [bool] mediaFeedsDownloadEnabled: If true, then media feed downloads are enabled
        • [bool] healthReportingEnabled: If true, then health reporting is enabled
        • [bool] logsUploadEnabled: If true, then log uploading is enabled
    • beacons: An array of the following entries:
      • [DeviceBeaconMode] mode:  One of "iBeacon" or "eddystone-uid" or "eddystone-url"
      • [string] name:  The beacon name
      • [GUID] uuid:  The UUID of the beacon
      • [ushort] major: An integer specifying the 2-byte Major value (0 to 65535)
      • [ushort] minor: An integer specifying the 2-byte Minor value (0 to 65535)
      • [byte[]] namespaceID:  A 10-byte value expressed as 20 hexadecimal digits (base 64)
      • [byte[]] instanceID:  A 6-byte value expressed as 12 hexadecimal digits (base 64)
      • [URI] url: The URL to encapsulate in the advertisement packet. 
      • [short] power: An integer value that corresponds to the measurement of the Tx power level (in dBm) at 0 meters. 
    • [location] location:
      • [string] placeId: The textual identifier of the device location
      • [double] gpsLatitude: The latitude of the device location
      • [double] gpsLongitude: The longitude of the device location
      • [string] country: The country in which the device is located (for example, "Germany")
      • [string] countryLongName: The full name of the country in which the device is located (for example, "Federal Republic of Germany")
      • [string] adminAreaLevel1: The country in which the device is located
      • [string] adminAreaLevel1LongName: The full name of the country in which the device is located
      • [string] adminAreaLevel2:  The county name (within the United States), or a second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located. 
      • [string] adminAreaLevel2LongName: The full county name (within the United States), or the full name of the second-order civil entity below adminAreaLevel1, in which the device is located.
      • [string] locality:  The name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located
      • [string] localityLongName: The full name of the city, town, or rural area in which the device is located
      • [string] path:
      • [string] pathLongName:
    • [screenshots] screenshots:
      • [TimeSpan] interval: How often the player should take a snapshot of the presentation display.
      • [ushort] countLimit: How many images can be stored on the local storage of the player (100 image maximum)
      • [byte] quality: The quality level of each image file.
      • [ScreenOrientation] orientation:  Either "Landscape" or "Portrait"
    • logging:
      • [bool] enableDiagnosticLog: If true, diagnostic logging is enabled
      • [bool] enableEventLog: If true, event logging is enabled
      • [bool] enablePlaybackLog: If true, playback logging is enabled
      • [bool] enableStateLog: If true, state logging is enabled
      • [bool] enableVariableLog: If true, variable logging is enabled
      • [bool] uploadAtBoot:  If true, triggers the player to upload logs to BSN servers when the device boots
      • [TimeSpan] uploadTime: The time when the device will upload logs to BSN
    • lws:
      • [bool] enableUpdateNotifications: If true, local web server update notifications are enabled
      • [string] userName:  The local web server user name (for example, "admin")
      • [string] password: The local web server password
    • ldws:
      • [string] password: The ldws password
  • [status] status: The player status
    • group: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the group
      • [string] name: The group name
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the group
    • brightWall: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the BrightWall
      • [string] name: The BrightWall name
      • [byte] screen: The BrightWall screen number to which the device is assigned
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the brightWall
    • presentation: The following entries describe the presentation:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the presentation instance
      • type: The type of presentation (either "BrightWall" or "Regular")
      • [string] name: The name of the presentation
      • [URL] link: The URL of the BSN API for the presentation
    • [string] timezone: The time zone of the player
    • script: Each device instance can have the following entries:
      • type: "Setup", "Autorun", "Recovery" or "Custom" enumeration values
      • [string] version:  The BrightSign OS version
      • plugins: Each device instance can have the following entries:
        • [string] filename: The plugin .brs file name
        • [uint] filesize: The size of the file in bytes
        • [string] filehash: The 40 digits hexadecimal SHA-1 hash
    • firmware: Each device instance has the following entry:
      • [string] version: The BrightSign OS version
    • storage: An array of elements with unique "interface" values:
      • interface: Either "/storage/tmp" or "/storage/flash" or "/storage/sd" or "storage/usb1" or "/storage/sd2" and "/storage/ssd"
      • system: Returns the filesystem for the storage interface (for example, FAT32). If the interface is "/storage/tmp" or "/storage/flash", the supervisor will not report the filesystem.
      • access:  "Read" or "Write" enumeration values.
      • [DynamicObject]stats: Contains the following entries:
        • [long] sizeTotal: Total size of the interface in bytes
        • [long] sizeFree: Available space on the interface in bytes
        • [long] blockSize: The block size of the filesystem in bytes
      • [CellularModemStatus] modem: One of the following:

        • [string] imei: The unique identifier for the modem

        • [string] manufacturer:  The name of the modem manufacturer

        • [string] model: The modem model information

        • [string] revision: 

      • [CellularModuleStatus[]] sims: May contain [0;2] elements:

        • [string] status: The module status

        • [string] iccid: The module Integrated Circuit Card Identification Number

        • [CellularConnectionStatus] connection: 

          • [string] network: The network name

          • [short] signal: A number that defines the signal strength:

            Excellent>=70 dBm >=-84 dBm 
            Good -70 dBm to -85 dBm -84 to -102 dBm 
            Fair-86 dBm to -100 dBm -102 to -111 dBm 
            Poor<-100 dBm<-111 Poor  dBm 
      • [SynchronizationStatus] synchronization

        • [SettingsSynchronizationStatus] settings 

          • [bool] enabled: 

        • [ScheduleSynchronizationStatus] schedule 

          • [bool] enabled:

        • [ContentSynchronizationStatus] content

          • [bool] enabled:

    • network: Displays the status of the network connection for the device instance.
      • [IPv4Address] or [IPv6Address] externalIp:  An IPv4 or IPv6 address 
      • [NetworkInterfaceStatus[]]interfaces: An array that shows the status for the network interfaces:  
        • [string] name: Name of the interface type ("eth0", "eth0.25", "eth0.11", wlan0, "ppp0", or "usb0")
        • [string] type: One of "Ethernet", "WiFi", "Cellular", "Virtual", "Bridge", or "Other" enumeration values
        • [string] proto: Comma separated "Static", "DHCPv4", "DHCPv6", or "NDP" enumeration values
        • [MACAddress] mac:  The media access control identifier
        • ip: May contain zero or more  IPv4 and IPv6 addresses in CIDR notation
        • [IPv4Address] gateway: "Null" means that a default route is absent
        • [ushort] metric: "null" means that a default route is absent
    • [TimeSpan] uptime: The length of time that the player has been running.
    • [datetime] currentSettingsTimestamp: The date and time
    • [datetime] currentScheduleTimestamp: The date and time of the current schedule
    • [string] health: Returns "Normal", "Warning", or "Error" depending on player health
    • [datetime] lastModifiedDate:
  • [PlayerSubscription] subscription:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the PlayerSubscription instance
    • [DeviceInfo] device: The identifier of the device instance that is currently using the PlayerSubscription instance.
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the device
      • [string] serial: The serial number of the device
    • type: The subscription type, which can be one of the following:
      • "Grace":A free subscription that is created automatically for a device that connects to the BrightSign Network for the first time. A grace subscription lasts for 30 days and can only be used once by a single device.
      • "Demo": A free subscription that can only be created by the BrightSign Network administrators. BrightSign network accounts are limited to a maximum of four demo subscriptions, and each device assigned a demo subscription has content downloads capped at 1 GiB.
      • "Commercial": A valid commercial subscription
    • [TimeSpan] activityPeriod:  The time span during which the subscription has been active
    • status: The status of the device subscription, either "Active", "Suspending", or "Suspended"
    • [DateTime] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription instance was created in the BrightSign Network.
    • [DateTime] activationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the subscription was activated by a device. This property is Null if the subscription has not been activated yet. 
    • [DateTime] suspensionDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the status of the DeviceSubscription instance was changed to “Suspended”. This property is Null if the status of the DeviceSubscription instance is currently “Active”.
    • [DateTime] expirationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the DeviceSubscription will expire. This property is Null if the DeviceSubscription instance has not been activated. 
  • [taggedGroupInfo] taggedGroups:
  • [Dictionary<string, string>] tags:

    • string::[Device].<Country>: The country identifier

    • string::[Device].<City>: The city identifier

    • number::[Device].<Number>: The identifier number

  • permissions: 
    • [int] entityId: The identifier for the device entity
    • [GUID] operationUID: The unique identifier for the operation
    • principal:
      • [string] name: The name associated with the permissions (for example, "Custom Administrators")
      • [bool] isCustom:  If true, this is a custom role
      • type:  Either "User" or "Role" 
      • [int] id: The id associated with the permissions
    • [bool] isFixed:  If false, permissions are not fixed.
    • [bool] isInherited: If false, permissions are not inherited.
    • [bool] isAllowed: If false, permissions are not allowed.
    • [DateTime] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when permissions were created

Response Body

The server returns a status code of 204 upon success.


Delete a device.

  • /Devices/
  • /Devices/{id}/
    • Id will be an integer (int)
  • /Devices/{serial}
    • Serial will be a string

Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 204, on failure it returns a status code of 500.



Retrieves the number of devices on the network matching the specified filter criteria. If no filter is included, this call returns the total number of devices on the network. 

URL Parameters Query String Parameters

  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.

Response Body

The device count is returned as an integer value.



Returns Business Operations for devices.

Response Body

  • [string] uid: A unique identifier for the Operation instance.
  • [string] singularName: The name of the operation in singular form. This value is useful for displaying in entity properties dialogs.
  • [string] pluralName: The name of the operation in plural form. This value is useful for displaying in User and Role properties dialogs.
  • [string] fullName: The name of the current operation along with its parent operations (if any). Since many operation names aren't unique, this value is useful for differentiating similar business operations.
  • [string] targetEntity: The object type affected by the operation (in this case, "Device")
  • [Operation{}] parent: An Operation instance indicating the operation from which permissions are inherited. This value will be Null if there is no parent operation.
  • [Operations[]]descendants: An array of Operation instances that inherit permissions from this operation. This value is Null if there are no descendant operations.
  • [Permissions[] permissions: An array of Permission instances indicating permissions associated with this operation



Response Body

Returns a list of persistent BLE beacons associated with the device.


URL Parameters

Request Body

Response Body



Response Body

Returns a list of beacons associated with the device.


Delete a beacon.

  • {deviceId:int}/Beacons/{beaconId:int}

    • beaconId will be an integer (int)
  • {serial}/Beacons/{beaconId:int}
    • Serial will be a string

Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 204, on failure it returns a status code of 500.



Returns a list of errors associated with the specified device.

URL Parameters

  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Error instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of Error instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[error].[timestamp] ASC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of errors
  • [int] matchingItemCount: The total number of errors that match the filter criteria specified in the request
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of errors that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression specified in the URL
  • [Device[]]items: An array of Error object instances describing errors associated with the device



Returns a list of file downloads carried out by the specified device.

URL Parameters

  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Download instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of Download instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[download].[filename] ASC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of downloads
  • [int] matchingItemCount: The total number of downloads that match the filter criteria specified in the request
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of downloads that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression specified in the URL
  • [Device[]]items: An array of Download object instances describing downloads associated with the device



Returns a list of screenshots uploaded by the specified device

URL Parameters

  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Screenshot instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of Screenshot instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[screenshot].[timestamp] ASC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of screenshots
  • [int] matchingItemCount: The total number of screenshots that match the filter criteria specified in the request
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of screenshots that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression specified in the URL
  • [Device[]]items: An array of Screenshot object instances describing downloads associated with the device
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Screenshot instance
    • [string] groupName: The name of the BSN group to which the player producing the screenshot belongs
    • [string] utcTimestamp: A UTC timestamp indicating when the screenshot was taken on the player. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
    • [string] localTimestamp: A timestamp indicating the local time (as it is specified in the player settings) when the screenshot was taken on the player. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss.
    • [int] width: The width (in pixels) of the screenshot image
    • [int] height: The height (in pixels) of the screenshot image
    • [string] filePath: The location of the image file in the server directory
    • [string] thumbPath: The location of the image thumbnail in the server directory



Returns an object that represents tags assigned to the specified device.

Response Body

Each tag is formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>".

  • value_type: "string" or "number"
  • tag_type: "[Device]" (a user-defined key/value) or "[sys].[Device]" (a system-defined key/value)
  • tag_key: The tag key
  • value: The tag value


Adds one or more tags to the specified device.

Request Body

The request body is an object conatining tag key/value pairs. Each tag must be formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>".

  • value_type: "string" or "number"
  • tag_type: "[Device]" (a user-defined key/value) or "[sys].[Device]" (a system-defined key/value)
  • tag_key: The tag key
  • value: The tag value

Response Body

The server returns code 204 upon success.


Removes one or more tags from the specified device.

Request Body

The request body is an array of tag keys. Each tag key must be formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>".

  • value_type: "string" or "number"
  • tag_type: "[Device]" (a user-defined key/value) or "[sys].[Device]" (a system-defined key/value)
  • tag_key: The tag key

Response Body

The server returns code 204 upon success.



Returns a list of player models that are supported by BSN.

Response Body

The response body is an array of strings specifying supported player models.



Returns the model number of the specified model.

Response Body

If the specified model is supported, the server returns a string containing the model number (e.g. "XT1143"). 



Returns a list of video connectors supported by the specified model.

Response Body

The response body is an array of strings specifying video connectors supported by the model. The following are valid values:

  • "HDMI"
  • "VGA"
  • "Component"



Returns the specified video connector if its supported by the specified player model.

Response Body

If the specified video connector is supported, the response body will contain the connector name as a string. Otherwise, it will return code 404.



Returns a list of video modes supported by the specified connector on the specified model.

Response Body

The response body is an array of strings listing video modes supported by the specified connector on the specified model.