The filesysteminfile allows you to create and update filesystems for use as storage devices.
Object Creation
To create a filesysteminfile object, load the @brightsign/filesysteminfile module using the Node.js® require() method:
var FileSystemInFile = require('@brightsign/filesysteminfile'); var fsif = new FileSystemInFile("/storage/sd/usbstore.img"); // Node's native 'fs' can create an .img file
Use this interface to configure a filesysteminfile.
To get the name of the file that was used to create FileSystemInFile:
Promise<String> getFilename()
To retrieve the size (in bytes) of the filesystem file used to create the FileSystemInFile class:
Promise<long long> getSize()
To create the specified filesystem in a file that already exists:
Promise<void> format(String fileSystem)
The supported filesystem types are "fat" and "exfat".
To mount the filesystem. There is no need to format the filesystem if it already exists and is formatted:
Promise<void> mount()
The return string is filepath and the return value is the path to where the filesystem has been mounted. It cannot be mounted more than once.
To unmount the filesystem:
Promise<void> unmount()
The example below creates a file system, formats, mounts, and unmounts it using the npm package fs,
const fs = require('fs'); const FileSystemInFile = require('@brightsign/filesysteminfile'); var fsif; var fd; open() .then(function(fileDescriptor) { fd = fileDescriptor; return write(fd); }) .then(function(bytes) { console.log(`${bytes} written to new file`); return close(fd); }) .then(function() { // Create FileSystemInFile using the backing file fsif = new FileSystemInFile('/storage/sd/usbstore'); return format(); }) .then(function() { return mount(); }) .then(function() { /* This is where you can actually do stuff with the mounted filesystem. */ // Unmount the mounted file after 10 seconds setTimeout(function() { return unmount(); }, 10000); }) .catch(function(error) { console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); }); // Create a writable file for the file system function open() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {'/storage/sd/usbstore', 'w', function(error, fd) { if (error) reject(error); resolve(fd); }); }); }; // Write a buffer allocating 1GB of disk space for the file function write(fd) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fs.write(fd, Buffer.alloc(1), 0, 1, (1024*1024*1024) - 1, function(error, bytesWritten) { if (error) reject(error); resolve(bytesWritten); }); }); }; // Close the created file function close(fd) { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fs.close(fd, function(error) { if (error) reject(error); resolve(); }); }); }; // Format the file system function format() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fsif.format("exfat") .then(function() { console.log('Filesystem formatted'); resolve(); }) .catch(function(error) { reject(error); }); }); }; // Mount the filesystem internally function mount() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fsif.mount() .then(function(mount_point) { console.log('Filesystem mounted' + mount_point); resolve(); }) .catch(function(error) { reject(error); }); }); }; // Unmount filesystem from internal mount point. Only can unmount a mounted file function unmount() { return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { fsif.unmount() .then(function() { console.log('Filesystem unmounted'); resolve(); }) .catch(function(error) { reject(error); }); }); };
You can also reference our public github example which uses a BrightSign device as a filesystem over USB.