GET /Count/
Retrieves the number of content files on the network matching the specified filter criteria. If no filter is included, this call returns the total number of content files on the network.
: An expression for filtering search results.
Response Body
The content file count is returned as an integer value.
GET /Operations/
Returns the operational permissions granted to roles for specific business operations
Response Body
Returns the Business Operations Entity
GET /{id:int}/
Retrieves the specified content files on a network.
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
id:[uShort] maxWidth:
The maximum width of the content instance (this should equal 100)
The maximum height of the content instance (this should equal 100)[uShort] maxHeight
Response Body
The server returns code 200 upon success. Upon failure, it returns code 400 with an error message.
PUT /{id:int}/
Update the specified content files.
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
Request Body
The Content Entity
Response Body
On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.
DELETE /{id:int}/
Removes the specified content file.
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
Response Body
The server returns code 200 upon success. Upon failure, it returns code 400 with an error message.
GET /{id:int}/Tags/
Returns tags associated with the specified content file.
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
Response Body
Returns an array of key/value pairs that represent tags assigned to the content file. Each tag is formatted as follows:
POST /{id:int}/Tags/
Adds one or more tags to the specified content file.
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
Request Body
The request body should contain an array of key/value pairs that specify tags to assign to the content file. Each tag must be formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>"
Response Body
On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.
DELETE /{id:int}/Tags/
Removes one or more tags from the specified content file.
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
Request Body
The request body should contain an array of strings specifying tags to delete. Each string must be formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>"
The following are valid system-defined values for content tags: "FileName", "FileSize", "ContentType", "UploadDate",
Response Body
On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.
GET /{id:int}/Permissions/
Includes object permissions for a given content instance.
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
Response Body
Returns the permissions property value of the Content Entity as a paged list of content entities.
POST /{id:int}/Permissions/
Adds permissions to the specified content instance
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.[int]
Request Body
Response Body
On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.
DELETE /{id:int}/Permissions/
Removes permissions from the specified content instance
A unique identifier for the content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content instance is uploaded.[int]
Request Body
Response Body
On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.