Copy of Player Cellular Interface Settings Entity (2022/06)

All player cellular interface settings entities are structured as follows:


  • Enabled bool: Whether the player cellular network interface settings are enabled

  • Name stringThe target network interface name (typically “ppp0”)

  • Modems PlayerCellularModemSettings[]A collection of the cellular modems supported by this network interface

    • Model string:  The model name of the supported cellular modem

    • USBDeviceIds string[]: The identifiers of the supported cellular modems

  • SIMS PlayerCellularModuleSettings[]: A collection of the supported SIM cards

    • MCC string: The mobile country code

    • MNC string: The mobile network code

    • Connection PlayerCellularConnectionSettings: The connection options to apply with this SIM card

  • RateLimitDuringInitialDownloads Nullable<uint>: The data rate limitation during initial downloads. When set to “Null” the rate is unlimited.

  • RateLimitInsideContentDownloadWindow Nullable<uint>: The data rate limitation during content downloads. When set to “Null” the rate is unlimited. The "Content" start and end timespans in the Player Synchronization Settings Entity (2022/06) define the inside content download window.

  • RateLimitOutsideContentDownloadWindow Nullable<uint>: The data rate limitation when content is not being downloaded. When set to “Null” the rate is unlimited.

  • ContentDownloadEnabled bool: Whether content data is allowed to be downloaded using this connection

  • TextFeedsDownloadEnabled bool: Whether text feed data is allowed to be downloaded using this connection

  • MediaFeedsDownloadEnabled bool: Whether media feed data is allowed to be downloaded using this connection

  • HealthReportingEnabled bool: Whether uploading health reporting data is enabled using this connection

  • LogsUploadEnabled bool: Whether uploading log updates is enabled using this connection