Copy of Player Ethernet Interface Settings Entity (2022/06)

All player Ethernet interface settings entities are structured as follows:


  • Enabled bool: Whether the player Ethernet settings are enabled

  • Name string The target network interface name (typically “eth0”)

  • Proto NetworkConfigurationProtocol: Defines a configuration protocol or given network interface such as "Static" or "DHCPv4"

  • IP string[]: In the “Static” network configuration, this defines the target IPv4 address (in CIDR notation) to apply by the current network interface.

  • Gateway stringIn the “Static” network configuration, this defines the optional IPv4 address of the default gateway to be used by the current network interface. When absent, this interface is link local only.

  • DNS string[]: The DNS address(es) of the device

  • RateLimitDuringInitialDownloads Nullable<uint>The data rate limitation during initial downloads. When set to “Null” the rate is unlimited.

  • RateLimitInsideContentDownloadWindow Nullable<uint>: The data rate limitation during content downloads. When set to “Null” the rate is unlimited. The "Content" start and end timespans in the Player Synchronization Settings Entity (2022/06) define the inside content download window.

  • RateLimitOutsideContentDownloadWindow Nullable<uint>: The data rate limitation when content is not being downloaded. When set to “Null” the rate is unlimited.

  • ContentDownloadEnabled bool: Whether content data is allowed to be downloaded using this connection

  • TextFeedsDownloadEnabled bool: Whether text feed data is allowed to be downloaded using this connection

  • MediaFeedsDownloadEnabled bool: Whether media feed data is allowed to be downloaded using this connection

  • HealthReportingEnabled bool: Whether uploading health reporting data is enabled using this connection

  • LogsUploadEnabled bool: Whether uploading log updates is enabled using this connection