Example (Manual Copy)

Example (Manual Copy)

In this section, you will be guided through a hands-on example that demonstrates how our players can be manually provisioned to simultaneously display local, web, and streaming content.

While some partners may prefer remote provisioning over manual provisioning, this example is nevertheless useful because it introduces some important info while providing a fundamental demonstration of how our players function. As the example is straightforward to replicate, it enables users to easily follow along with their own player. Remote provisioning will be covered later in this packet.

As covered previously, provisioning a player involves applying a Setup and Player App to a player. You may recall that with the BrightSign Default Setup, players are configured to look for a network connection via Ethernet and, if a connection is found, obtain an IP address using DHCP. In this example, we will maintain the BrightSign Default Setup and copy a custom Player App to the player.


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