FirmwareUpdatebyFamily Entity (v3)

FirmwareUpdatebyFamily Entity (v3)

This entity contains an array of the following properties by device family (Cobra, Raptor, Impala, Pantera, Tiger, Pagani, Malibu, and Sebring). These fields are only required if you need to do a firmware update.

For examples of how to update the OS for a particular player family, see the section at the bottom of the page.


firmwareUpdateSource string: The enum source from which to get the firmware update. Possible values are “Production”, “Beta”, “MinimumCompatible”, “SpecificUrl”, “None”, or “Existing”. If you use “Production”, “Beta”, or “MinimumCompatible”, no additional values need to be defined.

firmwareUpdateStandardTargetFileName string:  The name of the .bsfw firmware file that is targeted for updates. The update contained in the file is applied and if successful the file is deleted from the storage medium containing it. If the delete succeeds then the system reboots. If it fails then the device behaves as if the file had been named *_save.bsfw - see below. The delete always fails if the card uses an NTFS or HFS+ filesystem.

firmwareUpdateDifferentTargetFileName string: The name of a .bsfw firmware file. In run mode the update contained in this file is applied only if the version it contains does not match the version that is currently running. The file is not deleted but the infinite loop is avoided because on subsequent boots the version number will be the same so the update file will be ignored. In rescue mode the update is always applied.

firmwareUpdateNewerTargetFileName string: The name of a .bsfw firmware file. In run mode the update contained in the file is applied only if the version it contains is strictly newer than the version that is currently running. The file is not deleted but the infinite loop is avoided because on subsequent boots the version number will be the same so the update file will be ignored. In rescue mode, the update is always applied because the version of run mode cannot be checked and the infinite loop won't occur because the device will reboot into run mode.

firmwareUpdateSaveTargetFileName string: The name of a .bsfw firmware file. The update contained in the file is applied but the file is not deleted, because if the device rebooted at this point it would just apply the update against the device and will not automatically reboot when applying updates named like this until the storage device containing the update has been removed. This makes this filename useful if you wish to update many units from a USB key.

firmwareUpdateVersion string: This can be an empty string or the version number of the firmware you want to update to

firmwareUpdateSourceUrl string:  Required if the source is “SpecificUrl”. This can be a source URL for the firmware update.

If you want to source a BrightSign URL for any of the following parameters, you can find them in the publicly available manifest file (https://bsncloud.s3.amazonaws.com/public/FirmwareManifest.json):

productionReleaseURL string: The URL to the .bsfw file that the device will pull the setup files from for use in production

betaReleaseURL string: The URL to the .bsfw file for the beta release version in production

compatibleReleaseURL string: The URL to the .bsfw file for the minimum compatible release version in production



These examples all use the Cobra family, but other player families can be substituted. These examples contain the minimum required parameters for each firmware source and update type.

Updating to the OS Production Version

"firmwareUpdateType": "standard", "firmwareUpdatesByFamily":{ "Cobra":{ "firmwareUpdateSource":"production", "firmwareUpdateStandardTargetFileName":"cobra-update.bsfw", "productionReleaseURL":"https://bsncloud.s3.amazonaws.com/public/cobra-9.0.59-update.bsfw" } }

Updating to the Minimum Compatible Version

"firmwareUpdateType": "standard", "firmwareUpdatesByFamily":{ "Cobra":{ "firmwareUpdateSource":"compatible", "firmwareUpdateStandardTargetFileName":"cobra-update.bsfw", "compatibleReleaseURL":"https://bsncloud.s3.amazonaws.com/public/cobra-9.0.59-update.bsfw" } }

Updating to the OS Beta Version

"firmwareUpdateType": "standard", "firmwareUpdatesByFamily":{ "Cobra":{ "firmwareUpdateSource":"beta", "firmwareUpdateStandardTargetFileName":"cobra-update.bsfw", "betaReleaseURL":"https://bsncloud.s3.amazonaws.com/public/cobra-9.0.59-update.bsfw" } }

Updating using a Specific URL

Updating to a Different OS

These examples update the OS if it is different from the one already on the player:

Updating to a Newer OS

These examples update the OS version if that version is higher/newer than the one on the player:

Updating and Saving the .bsfw File

These examples update the OS to a new version without deleting the .bsfw file from the SD card after the update is done, and does not reboot the player after the update is applied (to avoid a reboot loop):