Business Operations Entity (2017/01)

Business Operations Entity (2017/01)

All business operations entities are structured as follows:


UID string: The unique identifier of the business operation

SingularName  string: The name of the operation in singular form. This value is useful for displaying in entity properties dialogs.

PluralName  string: The name of the operation in plural form. This value is useful for displaying in user and role properties dialogs.

FullName  string: The name of the current operation along with its parent operations (if any). Since many operation names aren't unique, this value is useful for differentiating similar business operations.

TargetEntity  EntityType: The target entity for a given operation (“devices” in this instance)

Parent BusinessOperation: An operation instance indicating the operation from which permissions are inherited. This value will be "null" if there is no parent operation.

Descendants  BusinessOperation[]: An array of operation instances that inherit permissions from this operation. This value is "null" if there are no descendant operations.

Permissions Permission[]The permissions entity associated with this operation. See the Permission Entity.