Caching Capabilities
BrightSign players offer a flexible toolset for caching HTML content. The sections below discuss novel BrightSign solutions and how to enable and use more common methods through Node.js and JavaScript.
BrightSign solutions
BrightSign players offer two HTML caching solutions:
- Local Storage: The SD card for each player can store HTML content for playback. This method eliminates any connectivity or latency issues that may arise from networked solutions, but it must be done on a player by player basis. This can make local storage unattractive when dealing with a large fleet of devices.
- The AssetPool BrightScript object: The AssetPool is a sharded hash directory and is recommended for large file count applications. The AssetPool is filled by AssetFetcher objects that can acquire content online and store it for later playback in either sha1, besha1, or MD5 hash protocols. Consult this page for more information about AssetPool.
Node.js and JavaScript solutions
BrightSign players also support Node.js and JavaScript caching techniques. To use Node.js:
- If you are using BrightAuthor, Node.js must first be enabled through a BrightScript roHtmlWidget object
- If you are using BrightAuthor:connected, Node.js can be initialized through the Presentation State Properties user interface.
Once Node.js is running on the player, users can use any JavaScript API or caching method to cache content. Recommended content acquisition methods are XmlHttpRequest and Fetch with Service Worker. Keep the memory limitations in mind - for example, XmlHttpRequest will cause some player models to crash if it is used to download files larger than 100-200MB. If XmlHttpRequest's storage reservation will exceed your memory limitation, we recommend using the Fetch API.
You cannot use Service Workers to cache video content. BrightSign players use our media player infrastructure for later video playback, not the Chromium network. BrightSign recommends IndexedDB for storage: use it to cache content playback according to these instructions.
See an HTML/JavaScript test download example here.
Our HTML widget cannot cache videos listed in the AppCache manifest because of differences between the Chrome desktop and BrightSign device video playback architecture. Please use Service Worker and IndexedDB to cache content instead of AppCache, which is now deprecated.
Using Blobs
BrightSign video players can play blob URLs referring to items in IndexedDB and Html5 FileSystem API. However it cannot play blob URLs referring to JavaScript objects in memory.
See this video-browser-storage.html example: