All live media feed entities are structured as follows:
[int] Id:
[string] Name:
[TimeSpan] TTL:
The frequency with which players will query BSN servers to determine if there is any new live media to include/exclude in the feed.[string] PhysicalPath:
The location of the file in the server directory[long] FileSize:
[string] FileHash:
[DateTime] CreationDate:
A timestamp indicating when the live media feed was created on BSN.[DateTime] LastModifiedDate:
A timestamp indicating when the live media feed was last modified on BSN.[LiveMediaFeedContent[]] Content:
[string] FileName
[string] Title
[string] Description
[bool] Disabled
[TimeSpan] DisplayDuration
[DateTime?] ValidityStartDate
[DateTime?] ValidityEndDate
Dictionary<string, string>] CustomFields
[List<Permission>] Permissions:
A list of permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the live media feed instance[PresentationInfo[]] Presentations:
An array of presentation object instances that contain the following properties:
: A unique identifier for the file.
: The filename
: The path to the file URI[Uri] Link