When a fresh-from-the-factory BrightSign player is unboxed, it cannot do much without first being provisioned.
Provisioning is the process in which a “Player Config” is applied to the player and a “Player App” is installed on the player. The Player Config applies various settings to the player (such as settings needed for the player to connect to the network) while the Player App provides instructions for what the player should do upon bootup.
When using BrightAuthor:connected, provisioning is done through a player Setup which can be created within the app. When a player is provisioned with a particular Setup, the Player Config is applied to the player and the Player App is created on the player. With BrightAuthor:connected, the Player App is often referred to as the autorun.
Player Config
A Player Config establishes various player settings and may include the following:
Network settings (wired, wireless, username/password, etc.)
Player name and description (more descriptive info for the player beyond its unique serial number)
Time zone (especially relevant for geographically dispersed players)
Publishing mode (tells the player how to retrieve content)
Diagnostic web server (enables access to a wealth of diagnostic info on the player)
Logging (enables various logging options)
Debugging (enables access via various logging tools)
BrightSignOS version (enables the assignment of a specific OS version to the player)
By default, the player will search for a network connection via Ethernet and, if a connection is found, obtain an IP address using DHCP. Therefore, xxplicitly applying a Player Config is not necessarily required if the player is intended to be connected via Ethernet to the local network and the default player settings are acceptable.
Player Config for BrightAuthor:connected
When using BrightAuthor:connected, the Player Config is included in a file called a Setup. Setups can be created, saved to a library, and applied to a player or group of players.
Player Config for Partners
Partners who choose to use their own CMS can use our APIs to enable their CMS to apply Player Configs to players.
Alternatively, partners can use the free, unbranded control.bsn.cloud as well as BrightAuthor:connected to create and apply Setups to players.
Player App
The Player App is a script or set of scripts that instructs the player what to do upon boot up.
Player App for BrightAuthor:connected
When using BrightAuthor:connected, the Player App is known generically as an autorun and more specifically as an autorun.brs file (.brs denotes a BrightScript file). When a BrightAuthor:connected Setup is applied to a player, an autorun.brs file is automatically created on the player.
Player App for Partners
Partners can write a custom Player App to connect players with their CMS . Many partners use our basic autorun.brs as a foundation for writing their own Player App.
Alternatively, partners can use the free, unbranded control.bsn.cloud or BrightAuthor:connected to create and apply Setups to players. When players are provisioned with a Setup, an autorun.brs file is automatically created on the player.
The term Partner App may sometimes be used when referring to the partner’s Player App.
Publishing Modes
The Setup created by BrightAuthor:connected also configures the player for the desired “publishing mode”, and this info is contained in the autorun.brs file that is generated from the Setup. Publishing modes define how and where the player should look for content to display. A more detailed description about these modes can be found here.
While these publishing modes are typically associated with BrightAuthor:connected, partners can also take advantage of similar functionality through their preferred CMS.