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These endpoints enable management of users on a network. A user is an instance of a person that is associated with a single network (there can only be one person, but there can be 0 to an infinite number of users on a network).

Base URL for these endpoints:


These endpoints enable management of users on a network. A user is an instance of a person that is associated with a single network (there can only be one person, but there can be 0 to an infinite number of users on a network).

Base URL for these endpoints:



Returns a list of user instances on a network

Required Scope Token



Query String Parameters

marker string optional

A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of user instances exceeds the pageSize.

This parameter is only required if you need more elements in the paged list than the pageSize (100).

pageSize int optional

The maximum number of user instances that can be contained in the response body. This defaults to the maximum allowed page size (100).



Success Response Body

200: Returns apaged listof User Entity instances on a network. This will return not more than 100 entities along with the information necessary to return any other remaining pages.


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error


Creates a user instance on a network

Required Scope Token



Request Body

TheUser Entity



Success Response Body

201: Returns the User Entity created and referenced by the Uri (given by the Location header field) in the response. 


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: Either the request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error


Table of Contents

GET /{login}/ 

Returns information for a specified user on a network

Required Scope Token




login string 

The login information of the user



Success Response with Body

200: Returns the User Entity

Success Response

304: The resource was not modified since the time specified in the “If-Modified-Since” header


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

PUT /{login}/ 

Updates information for a specified user on a network

Required Scope Token




login string 

The login information of the user


Request Body

TheUser Entity




204: The user information has been updated


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: Either the request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)

415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

DELETE /{login}/ 

Deletes the specified user on a network

Required Scope Token




login string 

The login information of the user




204: The specified user information was successfully deleted


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

GET /{id:int}/ 

Returns information for a specified user on a network.

Required Scope Token




id int  

A unique identifier for a user



Success Response with Body

200: Returns the User Entity

Success Response

304: The resource was not modified since the time specified in the “If-Modified-Since” header


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

PUT /{id:int}/ 

Update the given user instance

Required Scope Token




id int  

A unique identifier for a user


Request Body

TheUser Entity




204: The user information has been updated


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: Either the request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)

415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

DELETE /{id:int}/ 

Deletes information for a specified user on a network

Required Scope Token




id int  

A unique identifier for a user




204: The specified user information was successfully deleted


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

GET /Operations/ 

Returns the operational permissions granted to roles for specific business operations

Required Scope Token




Success Response Body

200: Returns the Business Operations Entity


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

GET /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Returns object permissions for a given user instance

Required Scope Token





Returns a list of user instances on a network

Query String Parameters

marker string optional

A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of user instances exceeds the pageSize.

This parameter is only required if you need more elements in the paged list than the pageSize (100).

pageSize int optional

The maximum number of user instances that can be contained in the response body. This defaults to the maximum allowed page size (100).



id int  

A unique identifier for a user




Success Response Body


 Returns a paged list of User Entity instances on a network. This will return not more than 100 entities along with the information necessary to return any other remaining pages.

 Returns an array of Permission entities 


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there

are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error


Creates a user instance on a network

Request Body

The User Entity

are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

POST /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Adds permissions for a specified user on a network

Required Scope Token




id int  

A unique identifier for a user


Request Body

An array of Permission entities





Response Body

201: Returns the User Entity created and referenced by the Uri (given by the Location header field) in the response. 


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: Either the request or request

204: The permissions were successfully added to the specified user instance


400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 




The server cannot


find the

data representation that you



resource (

as specified in the "Accept" headerThe

the path does not exist)



 The server cannot accept the data representation that you


sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error


Table of Contents


Returns information

DELETE /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Removes permissions for a specified user on a network


login string 

The login information of the user

Required Scope Token



Response Body

Returns the User Entity


Updates information for a specified user on a network


login string 

The login information of the user


id int  

A unique identifier for a user


Request Body

An array of Permission entities


Request Body

The User Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Deletes information for a specified user on a network


login string 

The login information of the user




204: The specified user permissions were successfully deleted


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

GET /{login}/Permissions/ 

Returns object permissions for a given user instance.

Required Scope Token




Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Returns information for a specified user on a network.


id int  

A unique identifier for a user



login string 

The login information of the user


Response Body

Returns the User Entity


Update the given user instance


id int  

A unique identifier for a user


Request Body

The User EntityA unique identifier for a user


Success Response Body

200: Returns an array of Permission entities 


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

POST /{login}/Permissions/ 

Adds permissions for a specified user on a network

Required Scope Token



Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Deletes information for a specified user on a network


id int  

A unique identifier for a user


login string 

The login information of the user


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX


Returns the operational permissions granted to roles for specific business operations

Response Body

Returns the Business Operations Entity


Returns object permissions for a given user instance.


id int  

Request Body

An array of Permission entities



Response Body


200: Returns an array of Permission entities 


Adds A unique identifier for a user




204: The permissions were successfully added to the specified user instance


400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

DELETE /{login}/Permissions/ 

Removes permissions for a specified user on a network


id int  

Required Scope Token



Request Body

An array of Permission entitiesA unique identifier for a user


login string 

The login information of the user


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Removes permissions for a specified user on a network


id int  

Request Body

An array of Permission entities


Request Body

An array of Permission entities


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Returns object permissions for a given user instance.


login string 

The login information of the user



204: The specified user permissions were successfully deleted


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

GET /{id:int}/Tokens/{token}/ 

Validates the the user access or refresh token granted to the specified user

Required Scope Token



Response Body


200: Returns an array of Permission entities 


Adds permissions for a specified user on a network


login string 

The login information of the user


id int

A unique identifier for a user

token string 

A user access or refresh token for a network



Request Body

An array of Permission entities


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Removes permissions for a specified user on a network


login string 

The login information of the user

Success Response Body

200: Returns the Token Info Entity


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

DELETE /{id:int}/Tokens/{token}/ 

Revokes user access or refresh tokens for the specified user

Required Scope Token



Request Body

An array of Permission entities


id int

A unique identifier for a user

token string 

The user access or refresh token to use with this endpoint call



Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.




204The user access or refresh token has been successfully revoked from the specified user


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request body is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: Either the specified token is invalid, expired, or revoked, or it is issued for another user

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

GET /{login}/Tokens/{token}/



Validates the



's token


id int

A unique identifier for a user

token string 

A device registration token for a network

access or refresh token granted to the specified user

Required Scope Token



Response Body

Returns the Token Info Entity


Revokes tokens for the specified user


id int

A unique identifier for a user

token string 

The token to use with this endpoint call


login int

The login for the user

token string 

A user access or refresh token for a network



Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Success Response Body

200: Returns the Token Info Entity


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error

DELETE /{login}/Tokens/{token}/




Revokes the user access or refresh token granted to the specified user


login int

The login for the user

token string 

A user access or refresh token for a network

Required Scope Token



Response Body

Returns the Token Info Entity


Revokes the user access or refresh token granted to the specified user


login int


login int

The login for the user




A user access or refresh token for a network



Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.




204: The user access or refresh token has been successfully revoked from the specified user


300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)

400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid

401: The access token is invalid or not specified

403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method 

404: Either the specified token is invalid, expired, or revoked, or it is issued for another user

406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)

5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error