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The device setup entity contains the following properties:

version string required: This value should be "3.0.0"

_id string requiredThe id of the device setup object

bDeploy object requiredB-Deploy Entity (v3)

firmwareUpdatesByFamily  object requiredThe FirmwareUpdatebyFamily Entity (v3)


setupType string requiredThe device setup type which is one of "legacyLfn", "localToBsn", "lfn", "sfn", "partnerApplication", "standalone", or "bsn")

bsnDeviceRegistrationTokenEntity  object required: A Token Entity (v3)

enableSerialDebugging bool required: False is the default. If true, serial debugging is enabled.

enableSystemLogDebugging  bool required: False is the default. If true, system log debugging is enabled.

remoteDwsEnabled  bool required:  False is the default. If true, the remote DWS is enabled.

dwsEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, the DWS is enabled.

dwsPassword string required: The DWS password (this can be an empty string)

dwsPasswordPreviousSavedTimeStamp  number required: The DWS password time stamp

lwsEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, the LWS is enabled.


lwsUserName string required: The user name of the LWS server (this can be an empty string)


lwsEnableUpdateNotifications bool required: False is the default. If true, update notifications are enabled on the LWS.

bsnCloudEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, is enabled.

deviceName string required: The user-defined device name for devices that are provisioned with the Device Setup package. This can be an empty string.


unitNamingMethod string required: Either "appendUnitIDToUnitName" or "unitNameOnly", which determines whether or not to append the serial number to the device name.


bsnGroupName string required: The name of the group to which provisioned devices will be assigned. This value defaults to the "Default" group if undefined.

timeBetweenNetConnects int required: How often the autorun checks for content (in seconds)


sfnWebFolderUrl string required: The URL address for the web-accessible folder that contains the simple file networking presentation. This can be an empty string.

sfnUserName string required: The user name for the simple file networking setup. This string can be empty.

sfnPassword string required: The password for the simple file networking setup. This string can be empty.

sfnEnableBasicAuthentication  bool required: False is the default. If true, basic authentication is enabled for simple file networking.

playbackLoggingEnabled  bool required: False is the default. If true, playback logging is enabled.

eventLoggingEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, event logging is enabled.

diagnosticLoggingEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, diagnostic logging is enabled.


variableLoggingEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, variable logging is enabled.

uploadLogFilesAtBoot bool required: False is the default. If true, log files will be uploaded at startup.

uploadLogFilesAtSpecificTime bool required: False is the default. If true, log files will be uploaded at a specific time.

uploadLogFilesTime int required: The time that log files will be uploaded, if any, in minutes

logHandlerUrl string optional: The custom log handler URL to which the logs are uploaded. This is only enabled for simple file networking (otherwise it will be an empty string).

enableRemoteSnapshot bool optional: False is the default. If true, remote snapshot is enabled.

remoteSnapshotInterval int required: The number of minutes to wait between capturing each snapshot. Zero is the default, but this value should be set if enableRemoteSnapshot is true.

remoteSnapshotMaxImages int required: The maximum number of snapshot images to save. Possible values are 1 to 100.

remoteSnapshotJpegQualityLevel int required: The JPEG quality level for the remote snapshot, on a scale from 1 to 100

remoteSnapshotScreenOrientation string required: The screen orientation ("Landscape", "PortraitBottomRight", or "PortraitBottomLeft")

remoteSnapshotHandlerUrl string optional: The URL for the remote snapshot handler

idleScreenColor object required: An object with RGBA properties

networkDiagnosticsEnabled  bool required: False is the default. If true, network diagnostics are enabled. This must be enabled in order to enable  testEthernetEnabled, testWirelessEnabled, or testInternetEnabled.

testEthernetEnabled bool required:  False is the default. If true, ethernet testing during setup is enabled.

testWirelessEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, wireless testing during setup is enabled.

testInternetEnabled bool required: False is the default. If true, internet testing during setup is enabled.

useCustomSplashScreen bool required: False is the default. If true, a custom splash screen will be used.

BrightWallName  string required: The name of the BrightWall settings

BrightWallScreenNumber string required: The BrightWall display number

contentDownloadsRestricted bool required False is the default. If true, content downloads are restricted for simple file networking.

contentDownloadRangeStart int required: The start time when content can be downloaded, from 00:00 to 23:59 (in minutes)


usbUpdatePassword string required: The password for the USB update feature

inheritNetworkProperties bool required:  False is the default (it will use the network properties from the device setup file). If true, the setup will use the current network configuration settings of the player.

internalCaArtifacts internalCaArtifacts[] required: A list of certificate objects. Each object has a name and an asset (the certificate file object). This can be an empty object.


The device setup entity contains the following required properties:

version string required: This value should be "3.0.0"

_id string requiredThe id of the device setup object. This is only required for a “PUT” call (not “POST”).

bDeploy object requiredB-Deploy Entity (v3)

setupType string required: The device setup type which is one of "legacyLfn", "localToBsn", "lfn", "sfn", "partnerApplication", "standalone", or "bsn"

bsnDeviceRegistrationTokenEntity object required: A Token Entity (v3)

timeZone string required: The time zone (for example, "PST"). See roSystemTime | roSystemTime supported_time_zones for the available time zone options.

bsnGroupName string required: If the setup type is BSN, this is required. The name of the group to which provisioned devices will be assigned. This value defaults to the "Default" group if the value is not provided.

network  object required: The Network Entity (v3). This will contain default values unless the user specifies parameters.

These optional properties can also be used: 

firmwareUpdatesByFamily  objectoptionalThe FirmwareUpdatebyFamily Entity (v3). If a firmware update is required with your setup, this field is required.

firmwareUpdateType string optionalThefirmware update type which is one of "different", "newer", "save", and "standard". The default type is “standard”. See firmwareUpdateDifferentTargetFileName, firmwareUpdateNewerTargetFileName, firmwareUpdateSaveTargetFileName, and firmwareUpdateStandardTargetFileName in FirmwareUpdatebyFamily Entity (v3) for more information about these types and usage examples. If a firmware update is required with your setup, this field is required.

enableSerialDebugging bool optional: False is the default. If true, serial debugging is enabled.

enableSystemLogDebugging  bool optional: False is the default. If true, system log debugging is enabled.

remoteDwsEnabled  bool optional:  False is the default. If true, the remote DWS is enabled on the player and can be accessed remotely.

dwsEnabled bool optional: False is the default. If true, the DWS is enabled on local network of the player.

dwsPassword string optional: The DWS password (this can be an empty string). Although this is not required, you should add this password for security purposes. The default password is the player serial number.

lwsEnabled bool optional: False is the default. If true, the LWS is enabled.

lwsUserName string optional: The user name of the LWS server (this can be an empty string)

lwsPasswordstringoptional: The password for the LWS server (this can be an empty string)

lwsEnableUpdateNotifications bool optional: False is the default. If true, update notifications are enabled on the LWS.

bsnCloudEnabled bool optional: The default, true, indicates that is enabled.

deviceName string optional: The user-defined device name for devices that are provisioned with the Device Setup package. This can be an empty string.

deviceDescriptionstring optional: The user-defined description give to devices that are provisioned with the Device Setup package. This can be an empty string.

unitNamingMethod string optional: Either "appendUnitIDToUnitName" or "unitNameOnly", which determines whether or not to append the serial number to the device name.

timeBetweenNetConnects int optional: How often the autorun checks for content (in seconds). The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

timeBetweenHeartbeatsintoptional: How often the player reports health to BSN (in seconds). The default is 900 seconds (15 minutes).

sfnWebFolderUrl string optional: This is only required if the setup type is SFN. The URL address for the web-accessible folder that contains the simple file networking presentation. This can be an empty string.

sfnEnableBasicAuthentication  bool optional: If this is true, the password and username are required. False is the default.

sfnUserName string: The username for the SFN file server, which is only required if the SFN server is password protected. This string can be empty.

sfnPassword string: The password for the SFN server. This string can be empty.

playbackLoggingEnabled  bool optional: False is the default. If true, playback logging is enabled.

eventLoggingEnabled bool optional: False is the default. If true, event logging is enabled.

diagnosticLoggingEnabled bool optional: False is the default. If true, diagnostic logging is enabled.

stateLoggingEnabledbool optional: False is the default. If true, state logging is enabled.

variableLoggingEnabled bool optional: False is the default. If true, variable logging is enabled.

uploadLogFilesAtBoot bool optional: False is the default. If true, log files will be uploaded at player startup.

uploadLogFilesAtSpecificTime bool optional: False is the default. If true, log files will be uploaded at a specific time.

uploadLogFilesTimeint: The time that log files will be uploaded, if any, in minutes. This is required if uploadLogFilesAtSpecificTime is enabled.

logHandlerUrl string optional: The custom log handler URL to which the logs are uploaded. This is only enabled for simple file networking (otherwise it will be an empty string).

enableRemoteSnapshot bool optional: False is the default. If true, remote snapshot is enabled. The following parameters are required if you enable this boolean:

remoteSnapshotInterval int: The number of minutes to wait between capturing each snapshot. Zero is the default, but this value should be set if enableRemoteSnapshot is true.

remoteSnapshotMaxImages int: The maximum number of snapshot images to save. Possible values are 1 to 100.

remoteSnapshotJpegQualityLevel int: The JPEG quality level for the remote snapshot, on a scale from 1 to 100

remoteSnapshotScreenOrientation string: The screen orientation ("Landscape", "PortraitBottomRight", or "PortraitBottomLeft")

remoteSnapshotHandlerUrl string: The URL for the remote snapshot handler

idleScreenColor object optional: An object with RGBA properties. The default color is black.

networkDiagnosticsEnabled bool optional: False is the default. If true, network diagnostics are enabled. This must be enabled in order to enable  testEthernetEnabled, testWirelessEnabled, or testInternetEnabled:

testEthernetEnabled bool :  False is the default. If true, ethernet testing during setup is enabled.

testWirelessEnabled bool: False is the default. If true, wireless testing during setup is enabled.

testInternetEnabled bool: False is the default. If true, internet testing during setup is enabled.

useCustomSplashScreen bool optional: False is the default. If true, a custom splash screen will be used.

BrightWallName  string optional: The name of the BrightWall settings

BrightWallScreenNumber string optional: The BrightWall display number

contentDownloadsRestricted bool optional: False is the default. If true, content downloads are restricted for SFN and BSN. If the value is true, the following fields are required:

contentDownloadRangeStart int: The start time when content can be downloaded, from 00:00 to 23:59 (in minutes)

contentDownloadRangeEndint: The end time when content can be downloaded, from 00:00 to 23:59 (in minutes)

usbUpdatePassword string optional: The password for the USB update feature

inheritNetworkProperties bool optional:  False is the default (it will use the network properties from the device setup file). If true, the setup will use the current network configuration settings of the player.

internalCaArtifacts internalCaArtifacts[] optional: A list of certificate objects. Each object has a name and an asset (the certificate file object). This can be an empty object.


The FirmwareUpdatebyFamily entity is not included this example since it is only required for firmware updates.

Code Block
                  "mode":"TKIP, CCMP"