Versions Compared


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Table of Contents

Use this endpoint to manage groups and presentation schedules on the network



Retrieves a list of groups on the network.

URL Parameters

  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Group instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of Group instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[group].[autorun].[version] DESC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of groups on the network that are visible to the user (i.e. viewing permissions may affect this number).
  • [int] matchingItemCount: The total number of presentations on the network that match the filter criteria specified in the request.
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of Group instances that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression specified in the URL
  • [Group[]]items: An array of Group object instances. Each Group instance can have the following entries:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Group instance. This value is generated by the server when the group is created.

    • [string] name: The group name

    • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

    • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

    • [Autorun] autorun: An array of values indicating the autorun configuration for the group:

      • [string] version: The current BrightAuthor autorun version assigned to the group

      • [bool] isCustom: A flag indicating whether the autorun is a standard BrightAuthor file (false) or a custom-built file (true)

      • [Firmware[]]minFirmwares: An array of Firmware instances indicating the minimum firmware version required to run the autorun on a player. Since different model families can have different minimum firmware requirements, this array can contain more than one Firmware instance.

        • [string] version: The firmware version number
        • [string[]]supportedModels: An array of string values indicating which model numbers (e.g. "XDx233") apply for the minimum-firmware requirement
      • [bool] isRevoked:

    • [string] hD920_970Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD920/HD970

    • [int] hD920_970FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD920/HD970 minimum firmware version

    • [string] hD922_972Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD922/HD972

    • [int] hD922_972FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD922/HD972 minimum firmware version

    • [string] hdX10Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w

    • [int] hdX10FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w minimum firmware version

    • [string] hdX20Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

    • [int] hdX20FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422 minimum firmware version

    • [string] hdX22Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD222/HD1022

    • [int] hdX22FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

    • [string] hdX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD223/HD1023

    • [int] hdX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD223/HD1023 minimum firmware version

    • [string] lsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the LS423

    • [int] lsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the LS423 minimum firmware version

    • [string] hsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HS123

    • [int] hsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HS123 minimum firmware version

    • [string] hoX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HO523

    • [int] hoX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HO523 minimum firmware version

    • [string] xdX30Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD230/XD1030/XD1230

    • [int] xdX30FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD230/XD1030/XD1230 minimum firmware version

    • [string] xdX32Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD232/XD1032/XD1132

    • [int] xdX32FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD232/XD1032/XD1132 minimum firmware version

    • [string] xdX33Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD233/XD1033

    • [int] xdX33FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD233/XD1033 minimum firmware version

    • [string] xtX43Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XT242/XT1042/XT1142

    • [int] xtX43FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

    • [string] 4KX42Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

    • [int] 4KX42FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

    • [bool] enableSerialDebugging:  A flag specifying whether serial debugging should be enabled for all players assigned to the Group instance

    • [bool] enableSystemLogDebugging: A flag specifying whether system log debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

    • [bool] enableStorageSpaceLimit: A flag specifying whether player storage devices will be divided into different segments. This allows the user to allot maximum sizes to different segments to ensure that a certain type of data does not take up too much space on the storage device. The "limit" values below will only apply to the player storage if this value is true.

    • [string] storageSpaceLimitUnits: A value specifying whether the following "limit" values are measured in percentages ("Percentage") or megabytes ("Megabyte")

    • [int] publishedDataSizeLimit: The maximum size allotted to all presentation and content files that are written to the storage device during the publish process. This includes audio, video, images, text, and HTML content files.

    • [int] dynamicDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of all dynamic content, including Dynamic Playlists and MRSS feeds. When this segment runs out of space, dynamic content files will be deleted to create space, starting with the oldest files first.

    • [int] htmlDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of the HTML application cache

    • [int] htmlLocalStorageSizeLimit: The maximum size of all JavaScript variables and data

    • [int] webDatabaseSizeLimit: The maximum amount of storage allocated to the IndexedDB web database application

    • [int] devicesCount: The number of players assigned to the Group instance

    • [string[]] devicesHealthStatus: An aggregate of device status information for the group. The array can contain the following string values: "Normal", "Warning", "Error", "No Subscription". The presence of a value indicates that one or more devices in the group is in that state.

    • [Device[]]devices: An array of Device instances indicating devices assigned to the group. The server currently returns a null value for this parameter.

    • [Presentation[]]presentations: An array of Presentation instances indicating presentations scheduled for the group. Each Presentation instance can have the following values:

      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Presentation instance 
      • [string] name: The presentation name
      • [string] type: The presentation type
    • [Permission[]]permissions: An array of Permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the group


Adds a new group to the network.

Request Body

  • [string] name: The group name
  • [bool] enableSerialDebugging:  A flag specifying whether serial debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableSystemLogDebugging: A flag specifying whether system log debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableStorageSpaceLimit: A flag specifying whether player storage devices will be divided into different segments. This allows the user to allot maximum sizes to different segments to ensure that a certain type of data does not take up too much space on the storage device. The "limit" values below will only apply to the player storage if this value is true.

  • [string] storageSpaceLimitUnits: A value specifying whether the following "limit" values are measured in percentages ("Percentage") or megabytes ("Megabyte")

  • [int] publishedDataSizeLimit: The maximum size allotted to all presentation and content files that are written to the storage device during the publish process. This includes audio, video, images, text, and HTML content files.

  • [int] dynamicDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of all dynamic content, including Dynamic Playlists and MRSS feeds. When this segment runs out of space, dynamic content files will be deleted to create space, starting with the oldest files first.

  • [int] htmlDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of the HTML application cache

  • [int] htmlLocalStorageSizeLimit: The maximum size of all JavaScript variables and data

  • [int] webDatabaseSizeLimit: The maximum amount of storage allocated to the IndexedDB web database application

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Group instance. This value is generated by the server when the group is created.

  • [string] name: The group name

  • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [Autorun] autorun: An array of values indicating the autorun configuration for the group. This parameter is null when the group is created.

  • [string] hD920_970Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD920/HD970

  • [int] hD920_970FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD920/HD970 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hD922_972Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD922/HD972

  • [int] hD922_972FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD922/HD972 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX10Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w

  • [int] hdX10FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX20Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

  • [int] hdX20FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX22Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD222/HD1022

  • [int] hdX22FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD223/HD1023

  • [int] hdX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD223/HD1023 minimum firmware version

  • [string] lsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the LS423

  • [int] lsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the LS423 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HS123

  • [int] hsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HS123 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hoX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HO523

  • [int] hoX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HO523 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX30Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD230/XD1030/XD1230

  • [int] xdX30FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD230/XD1030/XD1230 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX32Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD232/XD1032/XD1132

  • [int] xdX32FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD232/XD1032/XD1132 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX33Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD233/XD1033

  • [int] xdX33FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD233/XD1033 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xtX43Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XT242/XT1042/XT1142

  • [int] xtX43FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [string] 4KX42Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

  • [int] 4KX42FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [bool] enableSerialDebugging:  A flag specifying whether serial debugging should be enabled for all players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableSystemLogDebugging: A flag specifying whether system log debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableStorageSpaceLimit: A flag specifying whether player storage devices will be divided into different segments. This allows the user to allot maximum sizes to different segments to ensure that a certain type of data does not take up too much space on the storage device. The "limit" values below will only apply to the player storage if this value is true.

  • [string] storageSpaceLimitUnits: A value specifying whether the following "limit" values are measured in percentages ("Percentage") or megabytes ("Megabyte")

  • [int] publishedDataSizeLimit: The maximum size allotted to all presentation and content files that are written to the storage device during the publish process. This includes audio, video, images, text, and HTML content files.

  • [int] dynamicDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of all dynamic content, including Dynamic Playlists and MRSS feeds. When this segment runs out of space, dynamic content files will be deleted to create space, starting with the oldest files first.

  • [int] htmlDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of the HTML application cache

  • [int] htmlLocalStorageSizeLimit: The maximum size of all JavaScript variables and data

  • [int] webDatabaseSizeLimit: The maximum amount of storage allocated to the IndexedDB web database application

  • [int] devicesCount: The number of players assigned to the Group instance

  • [string[]] devicesHealthStatus: An aggregate of device status information for the group. The array can contain the following string values: "Normal""Warning""Error""No Subscription". The presence of a value indicates that one or more devices in the group is in that state.

  • [Device[]]devices: An array of Device instances indicating devices assigned to the group. This parameter is null when the group is created.

  • [Presentation[]]presentations: An array of Presentation instances indicating presentations scheduled for the group. This parameter is null when the group is created.

  • [Permission[]]permissions: An array of Permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the group



Retrieves the number of groups on the network that match the specified filter criteria. If no filter is included, this call returns the total number of groups on the network. 


  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.

Response Body

The number of groups is returned as an integer value.



Returns Business Operations for groups.

Response Body

  • [string] uid: A unique identifier for the Group instance.
  • [string] singularName: The name of the operation in singular form. This value is useful for displaying in entity properties dialogs.
  • [string] pluralName: The name of the operation in plural form. This value is useful for displaying in User and Role properties dialogs.
  • [string] fullName: The name of the current operation along with its parent operations (if any). Since many operation names aren't unique, this value is useful for differentiating similar business operations.
  • [string] targetEntity: The object type affected by the operation (in this case, "Group")
  • [Operation{}] parent: An Operation instance indicating the operation from which permissions are inherited. This value will be Null if there is no parent operation.
  • [Operations[]]descendants: An array of Operation instances that inherit permissions from this operation. This value is Null if there are no descendant operations.
  • [Permissions[] permissions: An array of Permission instances indicating permissions associated with this operation



Returns the Group instance with the specified ID or name.

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Group instance. This value is generated by the server when the group is created.

  • [string] name: The group name

  • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [Autorun] autorun: An array of values indicating the autorun configuration for the group:

    • [string] version: The current BrightAuthor autorun version assigned to the group

    • [bool] isCustom: A flag indicating whether the autorun is a standard BrightAuthor file (false) or a custom-built file (true)

    • [Firmware[]]minFirmwares: An array of Firmware instances indicating the minimum firmware version required to run the autorun on a player. Since different model families can have different minimum firmware requirements, this array can contain more than one Firmware instance.

      • [string] version: The firmware version number
      • [string[]]supportedModels: An array of string values indicating which model numbers (e.g. "XDx233") apply for the minimum-firmware requirement
    • [bool] isRevoked:

  • [string] hD920_970Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD920/HD970

  • [int] hD920_970FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD920/HD970 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hD922_972Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD922/HD972

  • [int] hD922_972FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD922/HD972 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX10Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w

  • [int] hdX10FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX20Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

  • [int] hdX20FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX22Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD222/HD1022

  • [int] hdX22FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD223/HD1023

  • [int] hdX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD223/HD1023 minimum firmware version

  • [string] lsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the LS423

  • [int] lsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the LS423 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HS123

  • [int] hsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HS123 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hoX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HO523

  • [int] hoX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HO523 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX30Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD230/XD1030/XD1230

  • [int] xdX30FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD230/XD1030/XD1230 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX32Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD232/XD1032/XD1132

  • [int] xdX32FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD232/XD1032/XD1132 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX33Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD233/XD1033

  • [int] xdX33FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD233/XD1033 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xtX43Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XT242/XT1042/XT1142

  • [int] xtX43FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [string] 4KX42Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

  • [int] 4KX42FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [bool] enableSerialDebugging:  A flag specifying whether serial debugging should be enabled for all players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableSystemLogDebugging: A flag specifying whether system log debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableStorageSpaceLimit: A flag specifying whether player storage devices will be divided into different segments. This allows the user to allot maximum sizes to different segments to ensure that a certain type of data does not take up too much space on the storage device. The "limit" values below will only apply to the player storage if this value is true.

  • [string] storageSpaceLimitUnits: A value specifying whether the following "limit" values are measured in percentages ("Percentage") or megabytes ("Megabyte")

  • [int] publishedDataSizeLimit: The maximum size allotted to all presentation and content files that are written to the storage device during the publish process. This includes audio, video, images, text, and HTML content files.

  • [int] dynamicDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of all dynamic content, including Dynamic Playlists and MRSS feeds. When this segment runs out of space, dynamic content files will be deleted to create space, starting with the oldest files first.

  • [int] htmlDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of the HTML application cache

  • [int] htmlLocalStorageSizeLimit: The maximum size of all JavaScript variables and data

  • [int] webDatabaseSizeLimit: The maximum amount of storage allocated to the IndexedDB web database application

  • [int] devicesCount: The number of players assigned to the Group instance

  • [string[]] devicesHealthStatus: An aggregate of device status information for the group. The array can contain the following string values: "Normal""Warning""Error""No Subscription". The presence of a value indicates that one or more devices in the group is in that state.

  • [Device[]]devices: An array of Device instances indicating devices assigned to the group. Each Device instance can have the following values:

    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Device instance
    • [string] serial: The device serial number
  • [Presentation[]]presentations: An array of Presentation instances indicating presentations scheduled for the group. Each Presentation instance can have the following values:

    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Presentation instance 
    • [string] name: The presentation name
    • [string] type: The presentation type
  • [Permission[]]permissions: An array of Permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the group


Modifies the specified Group instance using the entries in the request body.

Request Body

  • [bool] enableSerialDebugging:  A flag specifying whether serial debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableSystemLogDebugging: A flag specifying whether system log debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableStorageSpaceLimit: A flag specifying whether player storage devices will be divided into different segments. This allows the user to allot maximum sizes to different segments to ensure that a certain type of data does not take up too much space on the storage device. The "limit" values below will only apply to the player storage if this value is true.

  • [string] storageSpaceLimitUnits: A value specifying whether the following "limit" values are measured in percentages ("Percentage") or megabytes ("Megabyte")

  • [int] publishedDataSizeLimit: The maximum size allotted to all presentation and content files that are written to the storage device during the publish process. This includes audio, video, images, text, and HTML content files.

  • [int] dynamicDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of all dynamic content, including Dynamic Playlists and MRSS feeds. When this segment runs out of space, dynamic content files will be deleted to create space, starting with the oldest files first.

  • [int] htmlDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of the HTML application cache

  • [int] htmlLocalStorageSizeLimit: The maximum size of all JavaScript variables and data

  • [int] webDatabaseSizeLimit: The maximum amount of storage allocated to the IndexedDB web database application

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Group instance. This value is generated by the server when the group is created.

  • [string] name: The group name

  • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the group was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [Autorun] autorun: An array of values indicating the autorun configuration for the group. This parameter is null when the group is created.

  • [string] hD920_970Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD920/HD970

  • [int] hD920_970FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD920/HD970 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hD922_972Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD922/HD972

  • [int] hD922_972FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD922/HD972 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX10Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w

  • [int] hdX10FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD210w/HD1010/HD1010w minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX20Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

  • [int] hdX20FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX22Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD222/HD1022

  • [int] hdX22FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hdX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HD223/HD1023

  • [int] hdX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD223/HD1023 minimum firmware version

  • [string] lsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the LS423

  • [int] lsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the LS423 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hsX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HS123

  • [int] hsX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HS123 minimum firmware version

  • [string] hoX23Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the HO523

  • [int] hoX23FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HO523 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX30Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD230/XD1030/XD1230

  • [int] xdX30FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD230/XD1030/XD1230 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX32Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD232/XD1032/XD1132

  • [int] xdX32FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD232/XD1032/XD1132 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xdX33Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XD233/XD1033

  • [int] xdX33FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the XD233/XD1033 minimum firmware version

  • [string] xtX43Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the XT242/XT1042/XT1142

  • [int] xtX43FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [string] 4KX42Firmware: The minimum version of device firmware required to play presentations on the AU320/HD220/HD1020/LS322/LS422

  • [int] 4KX42FirmwareId: A unique identifier for the HD222/HD1022 minimum firmware version

  • [bool] enableSerialDebugging:  A flag specifying whether serial debugging should be enabled for all players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableSystemLogDebugging: A flag specifying whether system log debugging should be enabled for players assigned to the Group instance

  • [bool] enableStorageSpaceLimit: A flag specifying whether player storage devices will be divided into different segments. This allows the user to allot maximum sizes to different segments to ensure that a certain type of data does not take up too much space on the storage device. The "limit" values below will only apply to the player storage if this value is true.

  • [string] storageSpaceLimitUnits: A value specifying whether the following "limit" values are measured in percentages ("Percentage") or megabytes ("Megabyte")

  • [int] publishedDataSizeLimit: The maximum size allotted to all presentation and content files that are written to the storage device during the publish process. This includes audio, video, images, text, and HTML content files.

  • [int] dynamicDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of all dynamic content, including Dynamic Playlists and MRSS feeds. When this segment runs out of space, dynamic content files will be deleted to create space, starting with the oldest files first.

  • [int] htmlDataSizeLimit: The maximum size of the HTML application cache

  • [int] htmlLocalStorageSizeLimit: The maximum size of all JavaScript variables and data

  • [int] webDatabaseSizeLimit: The maximum amount of storage allocated to the IndexedDB web database application

  • [int] devicesCount: The number of players assigned to the Group instance

  • [string[]] devicesHealthStatus: An aggregate of device status information for the group. The array can contain the following string values: "Normal""Warning""Error""No Subscription". The presence of a value indicates that one or more devices in the group is in that state.

  • [Device[]]devices: An array of Device instances indicating devices assigned to the group. This parameter is null when the group is created.

  • [Presentation[]]presentations: An array of Presentation instances indicating presentations scheduled for the group. This parameter is null when the group is created.

  • [Permission[]]permissions: An array of Permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the group


Removes the specified Group instance from the network. The server returns code 204 if successful and code 404 if the Group instance could not be found.



Returns the schedule for the specified Group instance. The schedule is specified as a list of ScheduledPresentation intances.

URL Parameters

  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of ScheduledPresentation instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of ScheduledPresentation instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[ScheduledPresentation].[presentationName] DESC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of groups on the network that are visible to the user (i.e. viewing permissions may affect this number).
  • [int] matchingItemCount: The total number of presentations on the network that match the filter criteria specified in the request.
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of Group instances that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression specified in the URL
  • [Group[]]items: An array of ScheduledPresentation object instances. Each ScheduledPresentation instance can have the following entries:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the ScheduledPresentation instance

    • [int] presentationId: The identifier for the scheduled presentation

    • [string] presentationName: The name of the scheduled presentation

    • [bool] isRecurrent: A flag indicating whether the scheduled playback recurrs every week

    • [string] eventDate: A UTC timestamp specifying the date when a non-recurrent presentation should begin playing. This value is null for recurring presentations.

    • [string] startTime: The time of day when playback begins. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

    • [string] duration: The duration of the playback window. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".


       An all-day playback window is configured with a startTime of "00:00:00" and a duration of "1.00:00:00".

    • [string] recurrenceStartDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback begins. If this value is null, then recurring playback begins immediately when scheduled.

    • [string] recurrenceEndDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback ends. If this value is null, then recurring playback will not end.

    • [string] daysOfWeek: The days of week during which the recurring schedule is active. The days are specified as a string list (e.g. "Monday, Wednesday, Friday"). An "EveryDay" value can be used to specify all days of the week.

    • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

    • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

    • [string] expirationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentaiton instance will expire. If this value is null, then the instance will never expire.

    • [string] interruptScheduling


Adds a new ScheduledPresentation instance to the specified Group instance.

Request Body

  • [int] presentationId: The identifier of the presentation to schedule
  • [bool] isRecurrent: A flag indicating whether the scheduled playback recurrs every week

  • [string] eventDate: A UTC timestamp specifying the date when a non-recurrent presentation should begin playing. This value is null for recurring presentations.

  • [string] startTime: The time of day when playback begins. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

  • [string] duration: The duration of the playback window. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".


     An all-day playback window is configured with a startTime of "00:00:00" and a duration of "1.00:00:00".

  • [string] recurrenceStartDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback begins. If this value is null, then recurring playback begins immediately when scheduled.

  • [string] recurrenceEndDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback ends. If this value is null, then recurring playback will not end.

  • [string] daysOfWeek: The days of week during which the recurring schedule is active. The days are specified as a string list (e.g. "Monday, Wednesday, Friday"). An "EveryDay" value can be used to specify all days of the week.

  • [string] expirationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentaiton instance will expire. If this value is null, then the instance will never expire.

  • [string] interruptScheduling

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the ScheduledPresentation instance

  • [int] presentationId: The identifier for the scheduled presentation

  • [string] presentationName: The name of the scheduled presentation

  • [bool] isRecurrent: A flag indicating whether the scheduled playback recurrs every week

  • [string] eventDate: A UTC timestamp specifying the date when a non-recurrent presentation should begin playing. This value is null for recurring presentations.

  • [string] startTime: The time of day when playback begins. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

  • [string] duration: The duration of the playback window. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

  • [string] recurrenceStartDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback begins. If this value is null, then recurring playback begins immediately when scheduled.

  • [string] recurrenceEndDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback ends. If this value is null, then recurring playback will not end.

  • [string] daysOfWeek: The days of week during which the recurring schedule is active. The days are specified as a string list (e.g. "Monday, Wednesday, Friday"). An "EveryDay" value can be used to specify all days of the week.

  • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] expirationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentaiton instance will expire. If this value is null, then the instance will never expire.

  • [string] interruptScheduling




Returns the specified ScheduledPresentation that is part of the specified group.

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the ScheduledPresentation instance

  • [int] presentationId: The identifier for the scheduled presentation

  • [string] presentationName: The name of the scheduled presentation

  • [bool] isRecurrent: A flag indicating whether the scheduled playback recurrs every week

  • [string] eventDate: A UTC timestamp specifying the date when a non-recurrent presentation should begin playing. This value is null for recurring presentations.

  • [string] startTime: The time of day when playback begins. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

  • [string] duration: The duration of the playback window. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".


     An all-day playback window is configured with a startTime of "00:00:00" and a duration of "1.00:00:00".

  • [string] recurrenceStartDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback begins. If this value is null, then recurring playback begins immediately when scheduled.

  • [string] recurrenceEndDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback ends. If this value is null, then recurring playback will not end.

  • [string] daysOfWeek: The days of week during which the recurring schedule is active. The days are specified as a string list (e.g. "Monday, Wednesday, Friday"). An "EveryDay" value can be used to specify all days of the week.

  • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] expirationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentaiton instance will expire. If this value is null, then the instance will never expire.

  • [string] interruptScheduling


Modifies the specified ScheduledPresentation instance using the entries in the request body.

Request Body

  • [int] presentationId: The identifier of the presentation to schedule
  • [bool] isRecurrent: A flag indicating whether the scheduled playback recurrs every week

  • [string] eventDate: A UTC timestamp specifying the date when a non-recurrent presentation should begin playing. This value is null for recurring presentations.

  • [string] startTime: The time of day when playback begins. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

  • [string] duration: The duration of the playback window. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".


     An all-day playback window is configured with a startTime of "00:00:00" and a duration of "1.00:00:00".

  • [string] recurrenceStartDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback begins. If this value is null, then recurring playback begins immediately when scheduled.

  • [string] recurrenceEndDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback ends. If this value is null, then recurring playback will not end.

  • [string] daysOfWeek: The days of week during which the recurring schedule is active. The days are specified as a string list (e.g. "Monday, Wednesday, Friday"). An "EveryDay" value can be used to specify all days of the week.

  • [string] expirationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentaiton instance will expire. If this value is null, then the instance will never expire.

  • [string] interruptScheduling

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the ScheduledPresentation instance

  • [int] presentationId: The identifier for the scheduled presentation

  • [string] presentationName: The name of the scheduled presentation

  • [bool] isRecurrent: A flag indicating whether the scheduled playback recurrs every week

  • [string] eventDate: A UTC timestamp specifying the date when a non-recurrent presentation should begin playing. This value is null for recurring presentations.

  • [string] startTime: The time of day when playback begins. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

  • [string] duration: The duration of the playback window. The time is formatted as "HH:MM:SS".

  • [string] recurrenceStartDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback begins. If this value is null, then recurring playback begins immediately when scheduled.

  • [string] recurrenceEndDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when recurring playback ends. If this value is null, then recurring playback will not end.

  • [string] daysOfWeek: The days of week during which the recurring schedule is active. The days are specified as a string list (e.g. "Monday, Wednesday, Friday"). An "EveryDay" value can be used to specify all days of the week.

  • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was created on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] lastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentation instance was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.

  • [string] expirationDate:  A UTC timestamp indicating when the ScheduledPresentaiton instance will expire. If this value is null, then the instance will never expire.

  • [string] interruptScheduling


Removes the specified ScheduledPresentation instance from the network. The server returns code 204 if successful and code 404 if the ScheduledPresentation instance could not be found.


Use this endpoint to manage groups and presentation schedules on the network.

Base URL for these endpoints:

GET  /

Retrieves a list of groups on the network.


filter string 

An expression for filtering search results

sort  string

An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[Group].[Autorun].[Version] DESC")

marker string

A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Group instances exceeds the pageSize.

pageSize int

The maximum number of group instances that can be contained in the response body


Response Body

Returns a paged list of Groups Entity instances on a network. This will return not more than 100 entities along with the information necessary to return any other remaining pages.


Creates a group on the network.

Request Body

The Groups Entity


Response Body

Returns a 201 status code and the new resource created and referenced by the Uri (given by the Location header field) in the response. The response includes the Groups Entity.


Removes groups, specified by a filter, from a network. This allows multiple groups to be deleted at once.


filter string

An expression for filtering search results.

reassignmentGroupId int

The identifier of the group instance to which affected devices should be reassigned. If this value is negative, the devices will be reassigned to the default “Unassigned” group instance. If a group instance with the specified positive [int] Id does not exist, the method will return a descriptive error.


Response Body

Returns the number of affected groups as an integer value.

GET  /Count/ 

Retrieves the number of groups on the network that match the specified filter criteria. If no filter is included, this call returns the total number of groups on the network. 


filter string

An expression for filtering search results.


Response Body

The number of groups is returned as an integer value.

GET  /{id:int}/ 

Returns a group, specified by id, on the network


id int

The unique identifier for the group


Response Body

Returns the Scheduled Presentation Entity

PUT  /{id:int}/ 

Updates the specified group on a network


id int

The unique identifier for the group


Request Body

The Groups Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

DELETE  /{id:int}/ 

Removes the specified groups from the network


id int

The unique identifier for the group

reassignmentGroupId int

The identifier of the group instance to which affected devices should be reassigned. If this value is negative, the devices will be reassigned to the default “Unassigned” group instance. If a group instance with the specified positive [int] Id does not exist, the method will return a descriptive error.


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

GET  /{name}/ 

Returns a group, specified by name, on the network


name string

The name of the group


Response Body

Returns the Scheduled Presentation Entity

PUT  /{name}/ 

Updates a group, specified by name, on the network


name string

The name of the group


Request Body

The Groups Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

DELETE  /{name}/ 

Removes a group, specified by name, from the network


name string

The name of the group

reassignmentGroupId int

The identifier of the group instance to which affected devices should be reassigned. If this value is negative, the devices will be reassigned to the default “Unassigned” group instance. If a group instance with the specified positive [int] Id does not exist, the method will return a descriptive error.


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

GET  /{groupId:int}/Schedule/ 

Returns a list of the scheduled presentations of the specified group


groupId int

The unique identifier of the group

marker string

A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of group instances exceeds the pageSize.

pageSize int

The maximum number of group instances that can be contained in the response body.


Response Body

Returns a list of the scheduled presentations of the specified group

POST  /{groupId:int}/Schedule/ 

Adds a scheduled presentation to the specified group


groupId int

The unique identifier of the group


Request Body

The scheduled presentation entity. See Scheduled Presentation Entity


Response Body

Returns a 201 status code and the new resource created and referenced by the Uri (given by the Location header field) in the response. The response includes the Scheduled Presentation Entity.

GET  /{groupName}/Schedule/ 

Returns a list of the scheduled presentations of the specified group


groupName string

The name of the group

marker string

A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of group instances exceeds the pageSize.

pageSize int

The maximum number of group instances that can be contained in the response body.


Response Body

Returns a list of the scheduled presentations of the specified group

POST  /{groupName}/Schedule/ 

Adds a scheduled presentation to the specified group


groupName string

The name of the group


Request Body

The Scheduled Presentation Entity


Response Body

Returns a 201 status code and the new resource created and referenced by the Uri (given by the Location header field) in the response. The response includes the Scheduled Presentation Entity.

GET  /{groupId:int}/Schedule/{scheduledPresentationId:int}/ 

Returns the schedule of the specified presentation in the specified group


groupId  int

The unique identifier of the group

scheduledPresentationId  int

The unique identifier for the scheduled presentation


Response Body

Returns the Scheduled Presentation Entity

PUT  /{groupId:int}/Schedule/{scheduledPresentationId:int}/ 

Updates the specified scheduled presentation in the specified group.


groupId  int

The unique identifier of the group

scheduledPresentationId  int

The unique identifier for the scheduled presentation


Request Body

The Scheduled Presentation Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

DELETE  /{groupId:int}/Schedule/{scheduledPresentationId:int}/ 

Removes a specified scheduled presentation from the specified group


groupId int

The unique identifier of the group

scheduledPresentationId  int

The unique identifier for the scheduled presentation


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

GET  /{groupName}/Schedule/{scheduledPresentationId:int}/ 

Returns the schedule of the specified presentation in the specified group


groupName int

The name of the group

scheduledPresentationId  int

The unique identifier for the scheduled presentation


Response Body

Returns the Scheduled Presentation Entity

PUT  /{groupName}/Schedule/{scheduledPresentationId:int}/ 

Updates the specified scheduled presentation in the specified group.


groupName int

The name of the group

scheduledPresentationId  int

The unique identifier for the scheduled presentation


Request Body

The Scheduled Presentation Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

DELETE  /{groupName}/Schedule/{scheduledPresentationId:int}/ 

Removes the specified scheduled presentation from the specified group


groupName int

The name of the group

scheduledPresentationId  int

The unique identifier for the scheduled presentation


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

GET  /Operations/ 

Returns operational permissions granted to roles for specific business operations

Response Body

Returns the Business Operations Entity

GET  /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Includes object permissions for a given group instance.


id int

The unique identifier for the group


Response Body

Returns the Permission Entity

POST  /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Adds permissions to the specified group


id int

The unique identifier for the group


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

DELETE  /{id:int}/Permissions/ 

Removes permissions from a specified group


id int

The unique identifier for the group


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

GET  /{name}/Permissions/ 

Includes object permissions for a given group instance.


name string

The name of the group


Response Body

Returns the Permission Entity

POST  /{name}/Permissions/ 

Adds permissions to the specified group


name string

The name of the group


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.

DELETE  /{name}/Permissions/ 

Removes permissions from the specified group


name string

The name of the group


Request Body

The Permission Entity


Response Body

On success this method returns a status code 2XX, on failure it returns a status code of 5XX.


Table of Contents