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titleTable of Contents
Table of Contents


Code Block
>>registry write networking http_server 80
>>registry flush

A registry flush is necessary if you plan to power cycle the unit after executing the registry command. Registry writes will buffer for a few seconds because the EEPROM and NAND have a limited number of writes (and thus need to protect against carrying out too many writes too quickly).


The DWS can also be enabled in a custom script using the roNetworkConfiguration object. Include the following lines in a autorun.brs script to enable the DWS on Ethernet port 80:

Code Block
nc = CreateObject("roNetworkConfiguration", 0)
rebootRequired = nc.SetupDWS()
if rebootRequired RebootSystem()

Setting the Password

By default, the DWS is enabled with the player serial number as password. To set a custom password with digest authentication, use the roNetworkConfiguration object:


  1. If you don't know the IP address of the player, do the following:

    1. Power off the player by unplugging the power supply.

    2. Remove the SD card (as well as any internal storage devices, if applicable).

    3. Power on the BrightSign player by reconnecting the power supply.

    4. Wait for the player to boot up: The IP address of the player will be displayed on the screen.

  2. Enter the IP address of the networked player into the address bar of a web browser:

    1. If you've set up the DWS with a password, enter the password. The username is always "admin".

    2. If you haven't previously configured the DWS, use the serial number of the player as the password.


IP Address Variants

  • If the player is still set to factory defaults (i.e. the IP address returns the Device Setup screen), append /index.html to the end of the IP address (for example,

  • If the player is configured to use Appspace, append port 8080 to the end of the IP address (for example,

  • If the player is running the Streaming Server module, append port 80 to the end of the IP address (for example,

Alternatively, you can access the Local DWS via the player’s serial number by typing brightsign-<serialNumber>.local into the browser where <serialNumber> is the serial number of the player (for example, brightsign-M2E33P002148.local). Bonjour must be installed to use this on Windows (it will work out of the box on Mac and desktop Linux unless the configuration has been changed).


  • Time: The current time as it is configured on the player. On the local DWS, you can select the 

    icon to configure the time on the player:

    • Automatically: Click Use Client to set the time of the player using the current time of the browser/application.

    • Manually: Enter a Time and Date to set on the player. These values will go into effect the moment you click the Set Time button. If you would like to interpret the date/time using the time zone of the player, check the Apply Timezone box. Otherwise, the date/time will be applied as a UTC value.



You cannot edit the time zone of the player from the DWS. To change the time zone, you will need to perform the player setup process again.

  • Name: The user-supplied name of the player

  • Description: An optional user-supplied description for the player

  • Model: The model number of the player

  • Unique ID: The serial number of the player

  • <Ethernet/WiFi> IP: The IP address of the player

  • <Ethernet/WiFi> MAC: The media access control (MAC) address of the player

  • Boot Version: The current version of the primary boot loader

  • BrightSign OS Version: The current version of OS installed on the player

  • Video Mode: The current video output resolution. You can change the video resolution in the Video tab.

  • Uptime: The amount of time the player has been powered on and working correctly

  • Power Source: Displays the power source (for example, AC)

  • PoE: The status of the PoE interface (applicable to PoE capable models only)


You can use this page to upload files to the player storage. Files are uploaded to the currently selected directory. To upload files, click the Browse button to select one or more files, then click Upload Files. 




 File uploads are limited to 10MB on the Remote DWS.

File Listing

This page also provides a listing of all files on the storage device. Depending on the type of file, there will be several options:


  • Network Configuration: View extensive information about network interface settings.

  • Network Diagnostics: Run network diagnostics. This process may take some time to complete, especially when certain tests fail.

  • DNS Lookup: Test the specified DNS address to check whether name resolution is working.

  • Ping: Ping a device with the specified IP address or DNS name.

  • Trace Route: Perform a standard traceroute diagnostic on the specified IP/DNS address. Check the Resolve IP Addresses box to resolve the specified DNS name.

  • Network Neighborhood: Display information on the current network neighborhood.

  • Network Packet Capture: Allows the capture and collection of live network packet data from the network interfaces connected to the BrightSign player.

  • Disable Autorun: Force the player to reboot and disable the autorun script when the device restarts. This allows the unit to display the firmware version and IP address on screen (if the unit is connected to a local network). If the player has a serial port, you will be able to access the system shell over a null-modem serial cable.

  • Storage Formatting: Takes you to the Format Storage page, which allows you format storage devices attached to the player.

    • Storage: Select a storage device. You can only format storage devices that are currently unformatted; storage that already contains content files or autorun scripts cannot be reformatted.

    • File system: Select a supported file system to use when formatting the storage device.

  • Telnet/SSH: Allows you to enable Telnet and SSH for your player. This lets you access the BrightSign application console when serial port (the default I/O for the application console) is inaccessible. Not that we do not recommend enabling either Telnet or SSH in a production environment for security reasons. A Port Number can be set for Telnet, and a Port Number and SSH Password can be set for SSH as shown in the image below:
