Creates a new presentation on the network.
Required Scope Token
Request Body
Success Response Body
201: Returns the Presentation Entity created and referenced by the Uri (given by the Location header field) in the response.
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: Either the request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
Removes presentations, specified by a filter, from a network. This allows multiple presentations to be deleted at once.
Required Scope Token
Query String Parameter
An expression for filtering search results
Success Response Body
200: Returns the number of affected presentations as an integer value
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
GET /Count/
GETRetrieves the number of presentations on the network matching the specified filter criteria. If no filter is included, this call returns the total number of presentations on the network.
Required Scope Token
Query String Parameter
string optional
An expression for filtering search results. The default value is null.
Success Response Body
200: The number of presentations is returned as an integer value.
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
GET /Operations/
GETReturns the operational permissions granted to roles for specific business operations
Required Scope Token
Success Response Body
200: Returns the Business Operations Entity
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
GET /{id:int}/
GETReturns the specified presentation
Required Scope Token
A unique identifier for the presentation
Success Response with Body
200: Returns the Presentation Entity
Success Response
304: The resource was not modified since the time specified in the “If-Modified-Since” header
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
PUT /{id:int}/
PUTModifies the specified presentation
Required Scope Token
A unique identifier for the presentation
Request Body
204: The specified presentation instance was successfully updated
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: Either the request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)
415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
DELETE /{id:int}/
DELETERemoves the specified presentation
Required Scope Token
A unique identifier for the presentation
204: The specified presentation was successfully deleted from the network
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
GET /{name}/
GETReturns the specified presentation
Required Scope Token
The name of the presentation
Success Response with Body
200: Returns the Presentation Entity
Success Response
304: The resource was not modified since the time specified in the “If-Modified-Since” header
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
PUT /{name}/
PUTModifies the specified presentation
Required Scope Token
The name of the presentation
Request Body
204: The specified presentation instance was successfully updated
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: Either the request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)
415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
DELETE /{name}/
DELETERemoves the specified presentation
Required Scope Token
The name of the presentation
204: The specified presentation was successfully deleted from the network
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
412: Precondition failed (the resource changed since the time specified in the “If-Unmodified-Since” header value)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
GET /{id:int}/Permissions/
GETIncludes object permissions for a given presentation.
Required Scope Token
A unique identifier for the presentation
Success Response Body
200: Returns an array of Permission entities
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
POST /{id:int}/Permissions/
POSTAdds permissions for the specified presentation.
Required Scope Token
A unique identifier for the presentation
Request Body
An array of Permission entities
204: The permissions were successfully added to the specified presentation
400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
DELETE /{id:int}/Permissions/
DELETERemoves permissions for the specified presentation instance.
Required Scope Token
A unique identifier for the presentation
Request Body
An array of Permission entities
204: The specified permissions were successfully deleted
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
GET /{name}/Permissions/
GETIncludes object permissions for a given presentation.
Required Scope Token
The name of the presentation
Success Response Body
200: Returns an array of Permission entities
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
POST /{name}/Permissions/
POSTAdds permissions for the specified presentation.
Required Scope Token
The name of the presentation
Request Body
An array of Permission entities
204: The permissions were successfully added to the specified presentation
400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
415: The server cannot accept the data representation that you sent (as specified in the "Content-Type" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error
DELETE /{name}/Permissions/
DELETERemoves permissions for the specified presentation.
Required Scope Token
The name of the presentation
Request Body
An array of Permission entities
204: The specified permissions were successfully deleted
300: The requested representation could not be returned because it is ambiguous (there are multiple requested representations)
400: The request or request body is malformed and therefore invalid
401: The access token is invalid or not specified
403: The supplied access token, though valid, doesn't provide access to this method
404: The server cannot find the requested resource (the path does not exist)
406: The server cannot return the data representation that you requested (as specified in the "Accept" header)
5XX: Any 500 code is an internal server error