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These are the The device setup parametersentity contains the following properties:

version string: This value should be "3.0.0"

_id string optional: The id of the device setup object, if any

bDeploy bDeploy {}: A B-Deploy Entity (v3)

firmwareUpdatesByFamily firmwareUpdatesByFamily {}: The Package Name Entity (v3)

firmwareUpdateType string: The firmware update type (for example, "standard")

setupType string: The device setup type (either "lfn", "sfn", "partner", "standalone", or "bsn")

bsnDeviceRegistrationTokenEntity tokenEntity{}: A Token Entity (DOCS-1116)

enableSerialDebugging bool: If true, serial debugging is enabled

enableSystemLogDebugging bool: If true, system log debugging is enabled

remoteDwsEnabled bool: If true, the remote DWS is enabled

dwsEnabled bool: If true, the DWS is enabled

dwsPassword string: The DWS password

dwsPasswordPreviousSavedTimeStamp string: The DWS password time stamp

lwsEnabled bool: If true, the LWS is enabled

lwsConfig string: The local web server user type (either "s" for status/no publish or "c" for content/LFN publishing)

lwsUserName string: The optional user name of the LWS server

lwsPassword string:The optional password for the LWS server

lwsEnableUpdateNotifications bool: If true, update notifications are enabled on the LWS

bsnCloudEnabled bool: If true, is enabled

deviceName string: The name given to devices that are provisioned with the Device Setup package

deviceDescription string: The description give to devices that are provisioned with the Device Setup package

unitNamingMethod string: Whether or not to append the serial number to the name ("appendUnitIDToUnitName" or " ")

timeZone string: The time zone (for example, "PST")

bsnGroupName string: The name of the group to which provisioned devices will be assigned. This value defaults to the "Default" group if undefined.

timeBetweenNetConnects int: How often the autorun checks for content

timeBetweenHeartbeats int: How often the player reports health to BSN

sfnWebFolderUrl string: The URL address for the web-accessible folder that contains the simple file networking presentation

sfnUserName string: The user name for the simple file networking setup

sfnPassword string: The password for the simple file networking setup

sfnEnableBasicAuthentication bool: If true, basic authentication is enabled for simple file networking

playbackLoggingEnabled bool: If true, playback logging is enabled

eventLoggingEnabled bool: If true, event logging is enabled

diagnosticLoggingEnabled bool: If true, diagnostic logging is enabled

stateLoggingEnabled bool: If true, state logging is enabled

variableLoggingEnabled bool: If true, variable logging is enabled

uploadLogFilesAtBoot bool: If true, log files will be uploaded at boot

uploadLogFilesAtSpecificTime bool: If true, log files will be uploaded at a specific time

uploadLogFilesTime int: The time that log files will be uploaded, if any

logHandlerUrl string:

enableRemoteSnapshot bool: If true, remote snapshot is enabled

remoteSnapshotInterval int: The number of seconds to wait between capturing each snapshot

remoteSnapshotMaxImages int: The maximum number of images to capture

remoteSnapshotJpegQualityLevel int: The JPEG quality level for the remote snapshot, on a scale from 0 to 100

remoteSnapshotScreenOrientation string: The screen orientation ("Landscape" or "Portrait")

remoteSnapshotHandlerUrl string: The Url for the remote snapshot handler

idleScreenColor idleScreenColor{}: An array of RGBA values

networkDiagnosticsEnabled bool: If true, network diagnostics are enabled

testEthernetEnabled bool: If true, ethernet testing during setup is enabled

testWirelessEnabled bool: If true, wireless testing during setup is enabled

testInternetEnabled bool: If true, internet testing during setup is enabled

useCustomSplashScreen bool: If true, a custom splash screen will be used

BrightWallName string: The name of the BrightWall settings

BrightWallScreenNumber string: The BrightWall display number

contentDownloadsRestricted bool: If true, content downloads are restricted

contentDownloadRangeStart int: The start time for the content download

contentDownloadRangeEnd int: The end time for the content download

usbUpdatePassword string: The password for the USB update feature

inheritNetworkProperties bool: If true, the setup will use the existing network configuration settings of the player

internalCaArtifacts internalCaArtifacts{ }

network network {}:The Network Entity (DOCS-1116)