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Table of Contents

This endpoint allows for management of content files (and content tags) on the network. For constraints on headers, see REST API.





Retrieves a list of content files on the network.


  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Content instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of Content instances that can be contained in the response body
  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[content].[fileName] ASC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of Content instances relevant to the query
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of Content instances that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression specified in the URL
  • [Content[]]items: An array of Content object instances. Each Content instance can have the following entries: 
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.
    • [string] fileName: The name of the content file
    • [string] mediaType: The file type, which can be one of the following:
      • "Video": An MPG, MP4, TS, MOV, VOB, or WMV video file
      • "Image": A JPG, PNG, or BMP image file
      • "Audio": An MP3 or WAV audio file
      • "Text": A TXT file
      • "Other": An unknown file type
    • [string] physicalPath: The location of the file in the server directory
    • [string] virtualPath: The location of the file in the BSN virtual directory
    • [string] thumbPath: The location of the thumbnail for the video/image file in the server directory. This value is a blank string for audio, text, and unknown file types.
    • [int] fileSize: The file size (in bytes)
    • [string] fileHash: The hash algorithm and the value that results from performing the hash algorithm on the file. The string is formatted as "{algorithm}:{value}" (e.g. "SHA1:6DB465879088280AAC52DC22B07ED0AD493A99D4").
    • [string] uploadDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the file was uploaded to BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
    • [string] fileLastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the file was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
    • [string] probeData: The audio/video probe data. This value is a blank string for image, text, and unknown file types.
    • [Presentation[]]presentations: An array of Presentation object instances representing presentations that use the content file. Each Presentation instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Presentation instance
      • [string] name: The presentation name
      • [string] type: The presentation type
    • [DynamicPlaylist[]]dynamicPlaylists: An array of DynamicPlaylist object instances representing Dynamic Playlists that contain the content file. Each DynamicPlaylist instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the DynamicPlaylist instance
      • [string] name: The Dynamic Playlist name
    • [LiveMediaFeed[]]liveMediaFeeds: An array of LiveMediaFeed object instances representing Live Media Feeds that contain the content file. Each LiveMediaFeed instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the LiveMediaFeed instance
      • [string] name: The Live Media Feed name
    • [TaggedPlaylist[]]taggedPlaylists: An array of TaggedPlaylist object instances representing Tagged Playlists that contain the content file. Each TaggedPlaylist instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the TaggedPlaylist instance
      • [string] name: The TaggedPlaylist name
    • [Tag{}] tags: An object that lists tags assigned to the content file. Each Tag is formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>".
      • value_type: "string" or "number"
      • tag_type: "[Content]" (a user-defined key/value) or "[sys].[Content]" (a system-defined key/value)
      • tag_key: The tag key
      • value: The tag value
    • [Permission[]]permissions: An array of Permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the content file







Retrieves a list of content files in the specified virtual-directory folder.


  • marker: A value specifying which page to retrieve. This value is useful if the isTruncated entry in the response body of the previous GET call indicates that the number of Content instances exceeds the pageSize.
  • pageSize: The maximum number of Content instances that can be contained in the response body
  • sort: An expression for sorting the search results. The sort expression specifies the entry used for sorting and the ascending/descending (ASC/DESC) sorting order (e.g. "[content].[fileName] ASC")

Response Body

  • [int] totalItemCount: The total number of content files relevant to the query
  • [int] pageSize: The maximum number of Content instances that can be returned in a single response
  • [bool] isTruncated: A flag indicating whether the totalItemCount exceeds the pageSize
  • [string] nextMarker: A value that can be included with a subsequent GET call to return additional results that have been truncated
  • [string] sortExpression: The sort expression specified in the URL
  • [string] filterExpression: The filter expression, which is generated automatically from the virtual path in the URL
  • [Content[]]items: An array of Content object instances. Each Content instance can have the following entries: 
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.
    • [string] fileName: The name of the content file
    • [string] mediaType: The file type, which can be one of the following:
      • "Video": An MPG, MP4, TS, MOV, VOB, or WMV video file
      • "Image": A JPG, PNG, or BMP image file
      • "Audio": An MP3 or WAV audio file
      • "Text": A TXT file
      • "Other": An unknown file type
    • [string] physicalPath: The location of the file in the server directory
    • [string] virtualPath: The location of the file in the BSN virtual directory
    • [string] thumbPath: The location of the thumbnail for the video/image file in the server directory. This value is a blank string for audio, text, and unknown file types.
    • [int] fileSize: The file size (in bytes)
    • [string] fileHash: The hash algorithm and the value that results from performing the hash algorithm on the file. The string is formatted as "{algorithm}:{value}" (e.g. "SHA1:6DB465879088280AAC52DC22B07ED0AD493A99D4").
    • [string] uploadDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the file was uploaded to BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
    • [string] fileLastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the file was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
    • [string] probeData: The audio/video probe data. This value is a blank string for image, text, and unknown file types.
    • [Presentation[]]presentations: An array of Presentation object instances representing presentations that use the content file. Each Presentation instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Presentation instance
      • [string] name: The presentation name
      • [string] type: The presentation type
    • [DynamicPlaylist[]]dynamicPlaylists: An array of DynamicPlaylist object instances representing Dynamic Playlists that contain the content file. Each DynamicPlaylist instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the DynamicPlaylist instance
      • [string] name: The Dynamic Playlist name
    • [LiveMediaFeed[]]liveMediaFeeds: An array of LiveMediaFeed object instances representing Live Media Feeds that contain the content file. Each LiveMediaFeed instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the LiveMediaFeed instance
      • [string] name: The Live Media Feed name
    • [TaggedPlaylist[]]taggedPlaylists: An array of TaggedPlaylist object instances representing Tagged Playlists that contain the content file. Each TaggedPlaylist instance can have the following values:
      • [int] id: A unique identifier for the TaggedPlaylist instance
      • [string] name: The TaggedPlaylist name
    • [Tag{}] tags: An object that lists tags assigned to the content file. Each Tag is formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>".
      • value_type: "string" or "number"
      • tag_type: "[Content]" (a user-defined key/value) or "[sys].[Content]" (a system-defined key/value)
      • tag_key: The tag key
      • value: The tag value
    • [Permission[]]permissions: An array of Permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the content file


Creates a new folder in the virtual-directory location specified in the URL.

Request Body

  • [string] name: The folder name

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the folder. This value is generated by the server when the folder is created.
  • [string] name: The folder name
  • [string] creationDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the folder is created. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
  • [string] virtualPath: The location of the folder in the BSN virtual directory
  • [string] type: The entity type, which is always "Folder"
  • [string] thumbPath: The location of the thumbnail for the folder in the server directory



Table of Contents







Retrieves the number of content files on the network matching the specified filter criteria. If no filter is included, this call returns the total number of content files on the network. 


  • filter:  An expression for filtering search results.

Response Body

The content-file count is returned as an integer value.







Returns Business Operations for content.

Response Body

  • [string] uid: A unique identifier for the Content instance.
  • [string] singularName: The name of the operation in singular form. This value is useful for displaying in entity properties dialogs.
  • [string] pluralName: The name of the operation in plural form. This value is useful for displaying in User and Role properties dialogs.
  • [string] fullName: The name of the current operation along with its parent operations (if any). Since many operation names aren't unique, this value is useful for differentiating similar business operations.
  • [string] targetEntity: The object type affected by the operation (in this case, "Content")
  • [Operation{}] parent: An Operation instance indicating the operation from which permissions are inherited. This value will be Null if there is no parent operation.
  • [Operations[]]descendants: An array of Operation instances that inherit permissions from this operation. This value is Null if there are no descendant operations.
  • [Permissions[] permissions: An array of Permission instances indicating permissions associated with this operation







Returns the Content instance with the specified ID.

Response Body

  • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Content instance. This value is generated by the server when the content file is uploaded.
  • [string] fileName: The name of the content file
  • [string] mediaType: The file type, which can be one of the following:
    • "Video": An MPG, MP4, TS, MOV, VOB, or WMV video file
    • "Image": A JPG, PNG, or BMP image file
    • "Audio": An MP3 or WAV audio file
    • "Text": A TXT file
    • "Other": An unknown file type
  • [string] physicalPath: The location of the file in the server directory
  • [string] virtualPath: The location of the file in the BSN virtual directory
  • [string] thumbPath: The location of the thumbnail for the video/image file in the server directory. This value is a blank string for audio, text, and unknown file types.
  • [int] fileSize: The file size (in bytes)
  • [string] fileHash: The hash algorithm and the value that results from performing the hash algorithm on the file. The string is formatted as "{algorithm}:{value}" (e.g. "SHA1:6DB465879088280AAC52DC22B07ED0AD493A99D4").
  • [string] uploadDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the file was uploaded to BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
  • [string] fileLastModifiedDate: A UTC timestamp indicating when the file was last modified on BSN. The date/time is formatted as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sssZ.
  • [string] probeData: The audio/video probe data. This value is a blank string for image, text, and unknown file types.
  • [Presentation[]]presentations: An array of Presentation object instances representing presentations that use the content file. Each Presentation instance can have the following values:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the Presentation instance
    • [string] name: The presentation name
    • [string] type: The presentation type
  • [DynamicPlaylist[]]dynamicPlaylists: An array of DynamicPlaylist object instances representing Dynamic Playlists that contain the content file. Each DynamicPlaylist instance can have the following values:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the DynamicPlaylist instance
    • [string] name: The Dynamic Playlist name
  • [LiveMediaFeed[]]liveMediaFeeds: An array of LiveMediaFeed object instances representing Live Media Feeds that contain the content file. Each LiveMediaFeed instance can have the following values:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the LiveMediaFeed instance
    • [string] name: The Live Media Feed name
  • [TaggedPlaylist[]]taggedPlaylists: An array of TaggedPlaylist object instances representing Tagged Playlists that contain the content file. Each TaggedPlaylist instance can have the following values:
    • [int] id: A unique identifier for the TaggedPlaylist instance
    • [string] name: The TaggedPlaylist name
  • [Tag[]]tags: An array of key/value pairs that represent tags assigned to the content file. Each Tag is formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>".
    • value_type: "string" or "number"
    • tag_type: "[Content]" (a user-defined key/value) or "[sys].[Content]" (a system-defined key/value)
    • tag_key: The tag key
    • value: The tag value
  • [Permission[]]permissions: An array of Permission object instances representing permissions rules assigned to the content file


Removes the specified content file from the network.

Response Body

The server returns code 200 upon success. Upon failure, it returns code 400 with an error message.









Returns tags associated with the specified content file.

Response Body

The response body contains an array of key/value pairs that represent tags assigned to the content file. Each Tag is formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>".

  • value_type: "string" or "number"
  • tag_type: "[Content]" (a user-defined value) or "[sys].[Content]" (a system-defined key/value)
  • tag_key: The tag key
  • value: The tag value


Adds one or more tags to the specified content file.

Request Body

The request body should contain an array of key/value pairs that specify tags to assign to the content file. Each Tag must be formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>":"<value>".

  • value_type: "string" or "number"
  • tag_type: "[Content]" (a user-defined value) or "[sys].[Content]" (a system-defined key/value)
  • tag_key: The tag key
  • value: The tag value


Removes one or more tags from the specified content file.

Request Body

The request body should contain an array of strings specifying tags to delete. Each string must be formatted as follows: "<value_type>::<tag_type>.<tag_key>"

  • value_type: "string" or "number"
  • tag_type: "[Content]" (a user-defined value) or "[sys].[Content]" (a system-defined value)
  • tag_key: The tag key



The following are valid system-defined values for content tags: "FileName", "FileSize", "ContentType", "UploadDate",