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  • [entry] IS '<dateTime>': Returns items that contain the entry equalling <dateTime>.
  • [entry] IS NOT '<dateTime>': Returns items that do not contain the entry equalling <dateTime>
  • [entry] IS AFTER '<dateTime>': Returns items that contain the entry with a time before <dateTime>.
  • [entry] IS BEFORE '<dateTime>': Returns items that contain the entry with a time after <dateTime>.
  • [entry] IN THE LAST (<units>, <length>, '<dateTime>'): Returns items that have a time entry within <length> before <dateTime>. The time <length> is quantified with the <units> parameter, which can have one of the following values: yearsmonthsdays.
  • [entry] NOT IN THE LAST (<units>, <length>, '<dateTime>'): Returns items that do not have a time entry within <length> before <dateTime>. The time <length> is quantified with the <units> parameter, which can have one of the following values: yearsmonthsdays.
  • [entry] IS IN THE RANGE '<dateTime>' AND '<dateTime>': Returns items that have a time entry that falls between the two <dateTime> values.
  • [entry] IS NOT IN THE RANGE '<dateTime>' AND '<dateTime>': Returns items that do not have a time entry that falls between the two <dateTime> values.
  • [entry] IS IN ('<dateTime_1>', '<dateTime_2>', [...]): Returns items that contain the entry equalling any of the specified values.
  • [entry] IS NOT IN ('<dateTime_1>', '<dateTime_2>', [...]): Returns items that do not contain the entry equalling any of the specified values.

Boolean Operators

  • [entity] IS TRUE: Returns items that contain the entry equalling a true value.
  • [entity] IS FALSE: Returns items that contain the entry equalling a false value.
