Returns a typed value at the current position and increment increments the position.
IsNext() As Boolean
Returns True if Returns true
if there is a next element.
IsEmpty() As Boolean
Returns True if there is not an exact statement true
if the associative array contains no elements.
AddReplace(key As String, value As Object) As Void
Lookup(key As String) As Object
Looks for an object in the associative array linked to up the specified key and returns the associated object. If there is no object associated with the key string, then this method will return Invalid.
DoesExist(key As String) As Boolean
Looks for an object up the specified key in the associative array linked to . If the specified key. If there is no associated object, then False is returned. If there is such an object, then True is key exists, true
is returned; otherwise, false
is returned.
Delete(key As String) As Boolean
Looks for an object in the associative array linked to the specified key. If there is such an object, then it is deleted and True is returned. If not, then False is true
is returned; otherwise, false
is returned.
Clear() As Void
Removes all objects from the associative array.