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Table of Contents


  • Remote Snapshots: Takes you to the Remote Snapshots page, which allows you to view screenshots of the display area. This page is only available if Remote Snapshots are enabled during the player setup process in BrightAuthor.
  • DWS / User Variables Page: Switches between the Diagnostic Web Server and the User Variables webpage. These pages will only be available if they are enabled during the player setup process.
  • Settings: Opens the settings menu, which allows you to add players to the app, select players that have been added, add or edit UDP Commands, and edit the Remote Snapshot settings for a player.
  • Web Page: The main area of the App displays either the Diagnostic Web Server or the User Variables page of the player (if they were enabled during the player setup process).
  • Command Buttons: Sends commands to the connected player with the press of a button. In the Settings menu, you can designate the title of each button, as well as the UDP data that is sent.
  • Actions Menu:(iPhone only) Displays the Command Buttons for use. 


  1. Press the Settings button.
  2. Use the Small, Medium, and Large Size buttons to edit the size of the action buttons in the Commands fieldthe Command buttons on the main screen of the app. Making the Command buttons smaller allows you to fit more buttons on the screen.
  3. Add a new UDP Command button to the UI by pressing  Add Button…. This will bring up a window that allows you to enter the button Label and Data.
    1. Label: The name of the button as it is displayed in the Commands field and the Settings menu.
    2. Data: The command parameter that is sent to the player in the form of a UDP packet. For the BrightSign App to activate the BrightAuthor UDP event, this text must exactly match the text in the Specify UDP input field of the UDP Input Event in BrightAuthor.
    3. Press the Save button when you are finished inputting the Label and Data.


You can send UDP Commands using the Commands field in the UI. Simply touch one of the command buttons to send the UDP Command string to the currently connected player.


It is possible to affect multiple players with a single command. Please see


the UDP Commands with Multiple Players


 instructions for more details.

Changing User



You can also use the BrightSign App to change the value of User Variables. User Variables have various uses in BrightAuthor presentations: You can display them on-screen like dynamic price tags, or you can use them as conditionals targets in a presentation (for example, by configuring the presentation to play a different video if the variable is equal to a certain value).

By default, the home page of the BrightSign App displays the Diagnostic Web Server. To change the values of User Variables, you will need to switch to the User Variables webpage by pressing the Image Added icon on the main page.

The title above a field reflects the name of the User Variable. The number in the field reflects the current value of the User Variable. To change the value of a User Variable, tap the field, enter a new value, then press Set Values. If you chose to Enable Update Notifications when setting up the player, the User Variables page will automatically refresh whenever a variable value changes.
